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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14 

Joseph brought Grace into the president’s office under the watchful eyes of the company

As soon as he closed the door, Grace burst into tears and threw herself into the man’s arms, hugging his waist tightly

Brother Joseph, it’s good that you came to pick me up. I was really frightened just now” 

Joseph’s dark eyes were like thick ink that could not be melted. He raised his hands and placed them on Grace’s shoulders, slowly pushing her 


Brother JosephGrace looked confused

Why do you want to do this?Joseph’s tone was cold and his gaze was very oppressive


Find Medo Dailyto expose the marriage news. Why?” 

Because I can’t wait to marry you. Does Brother Joseph not want to marry me?” 

Yes, but it is not appropriate to do so in such a manner.Joseph’s expression was stern, no longer as gentle as before

How is it inappropriate? You and Raya have already divorced!” 

We haven’t finished the procedures with her, and we have promised grandfather that we will officially divorce after his 80th birthday.” 

Before that, she was still my wife in name. Now that you have exposed the news of our marriage, all three parties will be affected, and grandfather will be even more dissatisfied with you.Joseph subconsciously flashed back


He was a very straight man. He took the initiative to consider the and cons of everything. Since he was a child, his feelings had been flawed. His only gentleness was given to Grace, but the words he said were still a little hurtful

However, he thought that they were childhood sweethearts and that Grace could understand him

In the end, this woman could not grasp the main point at all. She was so angry that her eyes turned red. Brother Joseph, did you see someone on 


A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband

the Internet saying that Raya was a mistress? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you feel sorry for her?” 

I don’t have the heart to feel pain. It’s just that Raya is not a mistress. This matter should not have turned out like this.Joseph pinched the space between his eyebrows with his fingertips, and his brain ached faintly

Why not? She is a mistress clearly!” 

Grace was so angry that she stomped her feet. Her voice was sharp and thin, which made Joseph’s head hurt even more. If not for her, I would have already been with you! It’s all her fault! She took my position by your side for three whole years!” 

It was Raya who became my wife for three years in name only to gain my grandfather’s concession. If not for her, it would be even more impossible for you and me to be together.” 

After Joseph finished speaking, his heart actually fiercely twitched

Yeah, if Raya hadn’t left him at the end of the three years, how could his grandfather have let him and Grace be together

That woman would always greet him with a warm smile upon his return home, swiftly helping him change his clothes and warm up his bath water, taking care of everything without him having to worry

She didn’t fight or argue, she didn’t cry or make a fuss. Even after signing the divorce agreement and leaving the Sawle family, she didn’t complain at all

Even if Raya chose Oscar without turning back, she had done her duty as a wife for the past three years. On the contrary, he only treated her as a tool from the beginning to the end. He only hoped that three years would end as soon as possible so that he could be with the person he wanted

If they talked about owing, no matter what, he owed her more

Brother Joseph, are youspeaking up for that woman now?Grace was stunned. She felt that she couldn’t control this man’s thoughts

No, I’m just stating facts.” 

At this time, the phone rang. Joseph took it out and saw that it was a call from his grandfather. His eyebrows were full of anxiety

He opened the door and Max stood guard outside

Max, send more people to escort Miss Brown home.” 


A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

Yes, Mr. Sawle.Max made an pleasegesture to Grace

Brother Joseph! I don’t want to go backI am so scared!Grace’s eyes were wet with tears as she gripped his hand tightly

Don’t be afraid. Just make sure you don’t accept any media interviews these few days. I’ll deal with the rest.” 

Joseph sent her out with a determined expression and closed the door. He endured his headache and picked up his grandfather’s call


Joseph! How dare you break my promise? Are you so anxious to marry that vixen?” 

If you want to marry the daughter from the Brown family, I, Rory, will never acknowledge an unfilial grandson like you!Rory shouted angrily

Grandpa, the news was fabricated by the media. It has nothing to do with me.” 

I think it was released by that Brown girl! She saw that you were not in a hurry to send the betrothal gifts, so she made such a move!” 

Grace didn’t do it. Don’t misunderstand her.” 

Joseph’s headache intensified. He pulled the knot on his collar and slowly leaned against the wall to sit down on the sofa

Because he lied to his grandfather who loved him the most, he felt so guilty that his throat felt bitter, but he had no other choice

I won’t allow you to marry Grace! I want you to reconcile with Raya!Rory was too lazy to speak any more nonsense and directly ordered

Grandfather, this is what you promised me. Three years later, it will be my choice.” 

Joseph’s forehead was covered in sweat and his breathing was unsteady. I already have no chance with Raya. My future wife can only be Grace.” 

Excellentexcellent! You foolish fool, I, Rory, will wait until you lose Raya and sob and wish you were dead!” 

After saying that, Old Master hung up the phone

Joseph let out a muffled sigh, covered his head and walked to the desk. He hurriedly took out the painkillers to swallow

After sending Grace back, Max happened to see this scene and hurriedly came over to help him

A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

Mr. Sawle, how are you doing? Is your headache bothering you again?” 

It doesn’t matter.Joseph slowly sat down and closed his eyes to rub his swollen temples

It’s not a good idea to rely on painkillers all the time. I recall that in the last three years, Young Madam gave you massages and acupuncture and your headaches were much better. Why are they coming back now?” 

If only Young Madam were here. Every time you were treated by her acupuncture, you would be able to sleep peacefullyMax sighed in distress

Don’t mention her.Joseph took a deep breath

By the way, Mr. Sawle, I’ve already sent someone to investigate the matter you arranged for me.” Max’s eyes flashed, and he hesitated to speak


The two marketing accounts that divulged Young Madam’s gossip, and the individual who provided them with the draftswas related to Miss Lewis.” 

Joseph suddenly looked up, and his heart suddenly tightened. Have you investigated it clearly? How is this possible?” 

Yes, yes, it was confirmed again and again.” 


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