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A Second Chance At Forever novel (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 278

Chapter 278
Garett’s fork just froze mid-air, as he gawked at Eleanor with a look that screamed ‘whaaaat?!.
After wrapping up a call with Ethan Ziegler, Eleanor spilled the beans:
“Garett, I woke up and heard you kicked the bucket. I was like, no way, and hightailed it back to the homeland to see if it was legit.”
“But Ethan got all antsy, afraid I’d vamoose with my sis’s ticker. He played the ‘marry me or else’ card. So, I said ‘yeah, but I married him as Emilia, not a shred of love between us.”
Garett’s gobsmacked face melted into a sad puppy look, “Eleanor, my bad. I lost my marbles and you got roped into this mess.”
Eleanor shook her head, calm as a cucumber, like she’d seen the light, “Even if I didn’t say ‘I do’, he’d still have me on a leash ’cause of Emilia’s heart.”
Garett got all frowny. “Eleanor, Ethan’s bad news. Hangin’ with him is just askin’ for trouble.”
Eleanor’s no dummy, “I know he’s sc***m, so I’m cookin’ up a plan to get him off my back?
Garett looked like a storm cloud at the thought of her begging someone else for help..
If he were still the big cheese of the Clowers Group, he could’ve gone toe-to-toe with Ethan and saved Eleanor. But now he’s just a dude in a wheelchair, not only can he not help, but he’s gotta be taken care of.
Then, like a lightbulb moment, Bernard crossed his mind. The guy’s got clout coming out of his ears. If Bernard steps up, Eleanor’s golden.
He clenched his fists, and after some hemming and hawing, spilled it, “Eleanor, Bernard’s now the big kahuna of the Laurence family, the Stanley family. AND he’s got a slice of the Clowers Group pie. The Zieglers are chump change to him. If he steps in…”
Eleanor cut him off, “Garett, are you telling me to hit up Bernard?”
Garett hesitated and finally mumbled, “He’s the only one who can take on Ethan.”
Eleanor’s eyes, clear as day, locked onto his. “Garett, Bernard and I? We’re history ever since he ditched me. I ain’t crawling back.”
Garett tried to read her, but she was cool as ice.
They were in a staring contest when Yilia’s voice cut through, “Mr. Falsey, Dr. Terrill is here.”
Freshly clocked out, Liana swiftly entered the room with her medical bag, still clad in her lab coat, to attend to Jason Clowers. Although her scheduled visit was two days away, she had an important medical conference overseas the following day.
She flashed Yilia a smile, and walked into the dining room, ready to say hi to Jason when – bam – she spotted Eleanor.
She was like a statue, and her med bag hit the floor.
She gaped at Eleanor, eyes buggin’.
She tried to say something but was straight-up speechless.
Eleanor stood up, breezed over, and gently said, “Dr. Terrill, long time no see.”
Finally, Liana snapped out of it but still couldn’t believe her eyes, “You… Eleanor?”
Eleanor cracked a smile, nodding. The one and only”
Liana’s jaw dropped, then she grabbed Eleanor and gave her the once-over, “I thought you were… How in the…?”
After Eleanor gave her the Cliff Notes version of her not being six feet under, she went all mushy, “Dr. Terrill, you were a real gem back then. Big thanks.”
Liana hooked her up with meds, even saved her bacon a few times, and when Eleanor was at death’s door, she bent over backward to make it easier.
Eleanor would remember this act of dedication forever. If Liana ever needed support, Eleanor was ready to provide it.
Chapter 279


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