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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 28


  Blake continued to talk on the phone. He quickly changed and asked me to stay in the room. 

  "Baby I gotta work this matter with my Delta and my top trackers. Please! Stay put until I get back. I'll get Tyler back safe and sound... I promise." He cupped my face, and gave me a kiss on the lips before turning on his heel and leaving.

   AS IF!! This was my brother we're talking about.

  I was extremely enraged. The love and care I had for Jaz before, was vastly different now. In just a few weeks she managed to awaken a wave of anger in me I didn't know I had. When I find her, and I get my hands on her; I will make her regret ever messing with Tyler Slate.

  It was one thing to try and kill me, but for her to take my brother away was something I was never going to forgive her. She will regret this! I will be sure of that!

  I need to cool off; to blow off some steam.  I send a quick message to my old two buddies... Caleb and James. 

  Selene-  It's go time... we know what to do. Meet me at the gates first thing tomorrow. Bring your gear. She's gonna pay for what she's done.

  Caleb Affirmative Alpha, Beta 1, it's a go. 

  James Alpha 2, We'll find her. That's a promise. Affirmative, Alpha 1 it's a go.

  I placed my cellphone down, changed into running gear, and took off.

  I will not stand still until Ty is safe and sound back in our pack. 

  I will do as I was trained. Suck it up! Wipe the tears, and get shit done. And to do that, I needed to clear my head first. 

  I quickly made my way out to the forest. Shifting into Hazel, and took off full speed.



  I ran, I  ran as fast as I could go. The trees looked like a smudge of colors on a clean canvas from how fast I allowed myself to run. I was fast but pissed off... I was extremely fast!

  As I ran in my wolf form and had Selene rest to calm her anger, I was welcomed by the one person we had been dying to awaken, the one Selene wanted to meet for so long.... our other being.....Amber.

  Needless to say, she was beautiful and looked hell of intimidating.... even in that nice flowing dress, she was a beauty. She hasn't aged at all, still as gorgeous as ever.

  She wore a long light dress, that flowed magnificently around her. Her long beautiful hair was long and a beautiful light brown color. Given the fact she was still in spirit form, she had a soft glow all around her. By her side stood another wolf, the wolf she had the honor to fight alongside in the past. 


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