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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I remember as a kid birthdays were always something extremely emotional to me. I always found myself weeping as the clock struck twelve and I definately knew this year it would also be the same. But this year it was a little more special because this year I was finally turning eighteen. I had always thought of this year as my golden year. A year on which I will finally come out of my cacoon that I had hid in an bring out myself.

I changed into my pyjamas and lay down in bed pretending that I didn't know anything about the surprise that my mom, Marinda and John were planning for me downstairs. This was something that really annoyed me. A surprise coudn't remain a surprise for me ever, somehow I would get to know of it.

Every year it was the same tradition on my birthday. We used to have lunch with Marindas parents. Marinda was my bestfriend since I was three and we were inseperable. Her mother was like a second mother to me and every year she made her famous lasagna for me on my birthday that I loved. Eventhough, these traditions were fun but this year me and Marinda had decided to do something different. A little bit rebellious.

One of our friends boyfriend owned a club and had promised us an entry just because it was my birthday. Marinda had told everyone that she was going to sleep over at my place tonight. So in between my boring closet now stood a beautiful black dress that I was going to sneak out in tonight.

"Sydney!" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Coming mom." I yelled as I quickly made up my surprised face.

I came out of my room and slowly made my way downstairs. And just like that, there was my favourite chocolate cake on the table with with some flowers and gifts.

"Happy Birthday, my love." my mom came and hugged me. I melted into her embrace immediately. These were the moments I lived for. I knew that it was not only me that was crying but also herself.

"Hey its my turn now!" said John as he too embraced me into a hug.

"Happy birthday to my favourite teenager in the whole world." he smiled.

"Thank John." I smiled as I wiped down my tears.

John was my mothers husband and also like the father I never had. My father had left my mom when she was pregnant with me. My mom was at that time a struggling girl trying to get her life in tow. John owned the cafe she worked in. They soon fell in love and got maried and since then John had made me his daughther.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" I heard Marinda.

"How can I forget you?" I smiled as I hugged her.

"Are you ready to elope?" she whispered.

"Yes." I chuckled.

"Then here is your gift." she said as she handed me a package.

I opened it to find the new Iphone.

"You know I can't take this." I told her.

"You deserve this." she smiled.

Marinda was like mega rich. I wondered if her father was a billionare or something.


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