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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 66

"Dude are you crazy?" I yelled as I went towards him.

My anger was now on another level. I had this thing that I just couldn't stand injustice.

The room had now gone quiet but I certainly did not.

"Didn't you all just witness him kill a person, why the hell are you not doing anything?" I yelled as I looked at everyone.

But it seemed like no one could hear me. They all stood emotionless with their head bowed.

"Why the hell did you kill him?" I asked him furiously as I poked him in the chest.

"He touched you." He replied calmly.

But I could see a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Touch me huh? When I didn't have a fucking problem with him touching me,why did you!" I yelled.

And it was then I realised I has said the wrong thing.

Because the next second I was pinned to the wall. He looked furious, his eyes now a dark blue color. I tried to get out of his hold but his hands had a firm grip on my wrists.

"Everyone out now!" He growled, his eyes staring directly into mine.

And his voice was so authoritative that within seconds everyone was out of the room.

Well except for me.

I now stood there with tears in my eyes and my body clearly shaking. I averted my gaze to the floor as he slowly moved my hair from my neck and placed his face in the crook of my neck.

I tried to push him off but it was suddenly as if my body was no more in my control. The tingles that were erupting in my body were crazy.

I closed my eyes as I felt him trail his lips from my jaw to my neck. His hands had now moved to my waist and gripped it tightly as he kissed a sweet spot on my neck.

I didn't know what was wrong. It was as if suddenly my body wasn't in my control anymore. It became weak infront of him and submitted to his command. And eventhough, how much hard I tried I couldn't deny the pull I felt towards him.

But no. This was wrong. This was crazy. A stranger had his arms around my waist and I couldn't even push him off me?

Well no. Because first of all he was extremely well built and second of all it had been a year since I had replaced my visits to the gym with visits to McDonalds.

"Look at me Leena." I heard him growl. And damn my name sounded so good from his lips.

Focus Leena.

Wait how did he know my name?

"How do you know my name?" I questioned as I locked my eyes in his.

"I knew you would come." He whispered, ignoring my question as he trailed his finger on my cheekbone.

It felt good, extremely good but it was wrong.

"I need to go now." I whispered and it surprised me at how weak my voice sounded.

"Never!" He growled and his voice was so authoritative that it made me avert my gaze from him.

Chapter 5: Only with my will 1


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