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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 576

Chapter 576 

Hayley sat by the window, fixing her gaze on the restaurant Tessa was in.

“Be glad, Tessa! Be as glad as you’d like. After tonight, all your dreams will be shattered! Your hand that plays the violin will no longer exist!”

The corners of her lips lifted mysteriously, and the more she spoke, the more freely she talked. It was as if she was watching Tessa’s tragedy unfold before her.

“Tessa, tonight will be the end for you. Hahaha…”

She couldn’t help but let out a sharp and shrill laugh.

When the customers around her heard her eerie laughter, they cast surprised glances at each other.

Originally, some of the waiters wanted to stop Hayley from making noise in public, but when they saw the ferocious expression on her face, they were too scared to step forward.

Naturally, Hayley was aware of the looks being thrown her way, but she didn’t care much.

She looked at Tessa’s bright smile again, her eyes filling with resentment.

Fortunately, she didn’t plan to stay for long. After sitting for a while, she got up and left.

Tessa was completely oblivious to what was happening there.

After the meal, Hathaway asked her to go back.

“The orchestra will be resting during the afternoon, so you don’t have to go over. Have a good rest at home. When you come to the orchestra tomorrow, I’ll officially initiate you into the orchestra. From now on, you’ll really be the main player in the orchestra, so you have to work hard.”

“I will.”

Tessa nodded vigorously.

At this moment, Scott walked over and told Tessa, “It just so happens that I’m heading back too. Let me send you back.”

Hearing this, Kathleen, who had been holding back her anger, gritted her teeth and ran to Tessa’s side.

She pretended to be close to Tessa and said, “Scott, my mother and I are going back too. You can’t just send Tessa alone.”

When Tessa felt how close Kathleen was, her whole body stiffened.

Even after so many days had passed, she still couldn’t adapt to Kathleen’s enthusiasm.

Scott’s gentle voice sounded.

“I’m sorry I didn’t think it through. How about this? I’ll send you and Miss Hathaway back first. then I’ll send Miss Reinhart. Miss Reinhart, do you think that’s okay?”


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