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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18

In the corridor outside the emergency room at the hospital, Christopher was standing there with a gloomy expression. The ominous aura around him made it difficult for anyone to approach him.

The principal stood aside fearfully. He did not expect another incident to happen again during Christopher’s visit this time. “Mr. Lewis, this is an accident. I’ve sent someone to investigate this, and I promise to give you a proper explanation!”

Christopher responded with a cold snort, which sent chills running down the principal’s spine, and the principal dared not say another word.

Some moments later, several bodyguards who were donning black suits and wearing sunglasses came to them. “Mr. Lewis, we’ve got a result. The aggressor is a twenty one-year-old male with an intellectual disability. He’s the son of a cafeteria helper at Hegbert College of Art, and he’s usually helping around in the cafeteria. His actions today were out of nowhere, and he didn’t know a thing when we questioned him. Given his disability, it seems impossible to put him behind bars.”

“Get him admitted to asylum then! He’s mentally ill and has a tendency to attack people. It would be dangerous to keep him in the college!” Christopher roared in a deep voice. His intimidating voice echoed throughout the corridor.

“Yes, sir!” the bodyguards replied and then left the hospital.

The principal looked conflicted and seemed to have something to say.

Christopher glanced at him and sneered. “What’s the matter? Are you not satisfied with my instructions?”

The principal hurriedly said, “No… Of course not. It’s just that he may be clumsy and foolish at normal times, but he’s far from being a psycho. It was out of character for him to have attacked someone today. A sane man will go crazy for being locked up in an asylum, and I can’t imagine what will happen to him…”

Christopher scoffed, “Should I lock you inside instead?”

  • The principal noticed something from this. Although Margaret was injured because of him, it was strange for Christopher to show this much concern. Then, the principal recalled the previous incident, and he believed there must be something going on between these two.


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