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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 

During the lunch break, Margaret left her workplace and went to Mocha Café. She noticed that the customers there were all from the uppermiddle class, and the environment in the café was serene

As soon as she stepped into the entrance, she received another text message that read: Im sitting at table four near the window

Margaret glanced around the café and saw a middleaged woman dressed in expensive black leather sitting at table four. The woman was looking at her phone with her head slightly lowered, so Margaret could not see her face clearly

Margaret walked toward the woman and sat down across from her. Are you Megan Jenkinsmother?” 

After the woman lifted her head, Margaret froze at that instant

Yes. My name is Hannah Collins. How should I address you?The woman, Hannah, smiled politely. Her status as a rich mans wife was displayed through her gracious demeanor

Staring at the familiar yet strange face, Margaret felt as if she was being choked on the throat and could not speak

Hannah frowned slightly. Dont be so nervous. I need your help with something, but its not that serious. What would you like to drink?” 

Margaret clenched her fists and did not notice her nails had sunk deep into her palms. She took a while to regain her composure and said, Lets skip the formalities, Mrs. Jenkins. What is it you need my help with? Just tell me directly, as Im busy.” 

Hannah was bothered by Margarets stony tone, but she maintained her facade. She gracefully picked up her coffee cup and took a sip before speakingMy daughter is in a relationship with Christopher, so please stay away from him. Judging from your outfit and appearance, I dont think youre the right fit for a gentleman like Christopher, Im sure hell dump you in an instant when hes sick and tired of you. If thats the case, you wont get any benefits, will you? What is your price?” 

Margaret sneered, I would like to know how you got my contact details.” 

You dont have to worry about that. We can discuss the price. If not, just pretend that Ive never been here today.Hannah fidgeted with the diamond ring on her finger 


I‘m just wondering why you didn‘t do a thorough background check on me and figure out my identity while you search for my contact details. You shouldve found out who I am before you came here!Margaret exclaimed while her voice quivered unnoticeably

Hannah was baffled by Margarets reaction as she watched the latter leave the café. She then called Megan. You only gave me that womans phone number, but have you looked into her background and found out who she is? I met her today, but she seemed unfazed when I talked about money with her. Shes quite difficult to deal with.” 

Megan snorted disdainfully and replied, Why is it important to know that poor looking womans identity? I dont care, Mom. You must make her vanish from Christophers side! I hate her so much, and I get angry just by looking at her face!” 

Hannah could never refuse Megans requests. Smiling, she promised the latter before hanging up the call. Immediately after that, she dialed another number. Investigate someone for me.” 

After returning to the office, Margaret ignored the growls of hunger sounding from her stomach. Her head was filled with Hannahs face, and she could not believe that this was how she reunited with her longlost mother. At that point, she sank into a turmoil of anger and disgust


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