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Auctioned Mates Revenge novel Chapter 2

I couldn’t tell how long I was there, only that water was provided through a small slot in the door every so often. They didn’t give me food. My stomach ached. I grew shaky and desperate.

Eventually, they hauled me out of my solitary cell and put me back with the others.

Angelia was leaning against the wall, curled up and silently staring into nothing. She was skinnier. Armilla was curled into a ball, weeping to herself with a slowly healing bruise around her neck.

Had they been treated worse because of me?

The thought infuriated me. I turned to glare at the guards.

“Cowards!” I yelled, rushing at them and slamming into them.

“Crazy bitch!”

The guard struck me across the face. I fell and got back up, furious and desperate. I spat in his face.

He sneered at me before slamming his fist into my stomach. Pain exploded through me as I flew back, hitting the wall, and fell unconscious.

I woke up, slumped against the wall in the dungeon just where they’d left me, but weaker. Hungrier. I had no idea how long it had been since I’d eaten, but I couldn’t take much longer if I meant to survive.

Angelia had gotten skinnier, yet the little scrap of clothing she’d been allowed was stained with blood between her legs. She didn’t seem hurt. Horror washed over me as I realized that Angelia had started her period. My stomach turned as a guard approached her. The others jeered.

“She’s a real woman now!”

“Leave her alone!” I said, lunging at him. Another caught me and shoved me back as Angelia was hauled away. She didn’t speak. She didn’t fight, and she didn’t answer me when I called for her.

They didn’t take anyone else, and they didn’t give me food. Everyone else was given a few pieces of bread and meat, but no one ate or spoke.

“Ungrateful bitches,” one of the guards cursed, grabbing one of the girls. “Eat!”

He shoved the meat into her mouth. She gagged and threw up in his face. The guards laughed at him before he threw her to the ground and kicked her away from him. She didn’t even yelp as she rolled across the ground.

She didn’t move and he sneered down at her, “Another one?”

He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her out, and I never saw her again.

Angelia? Please answer me.

She didn’t answer and I began to fear that she had been kicked or slapped too hard and had been dragged off to her death.

They’d brought meager rations three times before Angelia returned. Her clothing was more ragged, hanging off her. Her eyes were dull and tear streaks marked her face.

Blood and white fluid streamed down her legs and the guards hooted and jeered as they dumped her across the room.

Angelia? Angelia, please answer me.

She didn’t stir and she didn’t answer.

My jaw trembled and I closed my fist tight.

He was going to pay for this.

I would kill him if it was the last thing I did. He’d never hurt her like this again.

I promise he’ll pay for this. I promise.

Sometime later, one of the guards looked down at me.

“Boss says you’ve got a chance to apologize and earn a meal.”

I looked up at him, meeting his gaze and I said nothing. I wasn’t going to humor him by making him think I was agreeing or grateful.

He grabbed me and hauled me away. My legs were so weak. My stomach cramped with hunger, but I didn’t resist.

Dan was seated in his chair like he always was, naked and disgusting.

“You ready to apologize to your Uncle Dan?”

This sorry fucker was going to regret what he’d done to Angelia. I walked across the room and kneeled. He flushed looking down at me.

“See, boys. A little starvation turns even the wildest ones docile.”

I shifted his robe aside and pushed down the disgust as the guards laughed nearby. His cock was soft, hiding in his pubic hair. While he enjoyed forcing himself on us, he didn’t have much of a cock to use.

But it didn’t matter. I grabbed it firmly, squeezing and stroking until he started moaning, tilting his head back with a sigh.

“That’s a good girl.”

It grew hard in my hand and a bit bigger, but not by much.



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