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Blood Oath: Forever Yours novel Chapter 29

Charlotte’s face immediately turned pale as she sucked in a cold breath.

“Ethan, who told you about this?” Was it Evelyn? Impossible! She had promised to her that for her own benefit’s sake, she would never do that.

A huge creeping fear immediately encapsulated her heart, and Charlotte was shaking her head hard to deny what she had heard.

“Ethan, dad, stop bluffing to me. That is all fake! I am fine, really fine. If you don’t believe me, when we reunite, you will see with your own eyes that…”

Nobody was listing to her.

What was reverberating at the other end of the phone was Ethan’s sobbing voice.

“Sis, you are the young lady of the Garcia family. You are my most beloved sister and dad’s precious daughter. How can you go through such humiliation? How can you go through such a life? If I know that we are having this life because of your sacrifice, we would rather be dead in the first place.

“Sis, I’m sorry, we have dragged you down…”

When Ethan finished saying that, it seemed that he also whispered something to someone beside him.

“Thank you, thank you for letting dad and I know about the truth. Thank you.”

With that, the line went dead.

As the connection was cut, a deadly sense of fear gripped Charlotte mercilessly.

With her whole body shuddering, she browsed her call records and dialled the unknown number to call back.

The line couldn’t go through.

She tried to call Lawrence, but it was the same result.

She tried to call multiple times, but the call still wouldn’t connect.

The same result repeated itself many times.

When she recalled Ethan’s words which sounded like resignation, Charlotte couldn’t bring herself to imagine what came after this. There was only one name floating around in her head.


Only he could save them!

As she remembered that he would personally get his daughter Emma from the kindergarten at this timing, Charlotte clutched her phone and stumbled out of her house…

The Walvis Group.

After the directors’ meeting ended, Lawrence drove to the kindergarten to pick Emma up.

While he was on the way, he would see glimpses of Charlotte’s desperate face. His eyelids would jump up by themselves as an uneasy feeling settled in his heart.

He reached for his phone, wanting to make a call only to find that his phone had ran out of battery.

There was a traffic jam ahead. He pressed the car horn impatiently, and in the end he turned around and headed to the condominium.

When he reached downstairs, he parked the car before catching a glimpse of a figure running towards road side.

He turned his head instinctively but the streets were empty. There was no figure in the first place.

He went up to their unit and took out the key to open the door. He scanned the interior only to find that Charlotte was not here.

When he recalled her words saying that she would wait for him no matter how long it would took, Lawrence felt his face darkened as he lifted his hand and tossed the key angrily.

“Charlotte, you are really something!”


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