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Cruel World novel Chapter 10


He opened his eyes and see this first light of the morning, he turn to his left and feel something soft he become tense then he saw it was Sarah laying next to him in a very scared position, her legs were are on the stomach and she was holding them ... He can't control it and lightly grace her face with his finger and touch her lips..he never kisses her and wonders how she will taste...He can't believe he is seeing her so much closer...she looks so beautiful but not peaceful but still her hairs and her fragrance was too much for him and his body reacted ... damn not now... it's more than 15 days when he first finds out her in an unconscious position, with such a lifeless expression... he was so scared, it was like a scene he saw 4 years ago when he picked his sister just like that.

when doctor told him how dehydrated and underweight she is.. he felt guilty and his heart accepted that guilt... fuck it she is playing mind games with me...which make him angry..he should not feel for her like that it was never in the plan and it was working but damn her innocent doe golden eyes , her soft voice and then tom saying why Samantha and sarah was fighting on 12 dec night was over doing for him...

fuck if tom hasn't called him and told him that sarah was stopping Tina to go alone with simon and his friend then he might let her die there... tom is right his anger will one day kill sarah...no he can't think like that ... he needs proves to put her behind the bars.. he still don't get the enough proof to considered sarah is innocent yet hell he have seen the footage of the club where sarah and his brother were talking and making plans how to kidnap tina..How he can forget that footage although he can't be sure that was her face as she looks very young and her face was blur but he can predict it was her voice.

He can know very well by now.. the flashes of that video makes him more angry and stupid .. he get out from the bed and ready himself for a jogging.


She looked at her pale face and fading bruises on her body... after 2 weeks she still can't believe that theo not once snap at her .. he is not attentive towards her but still he was giving her space to breathe and letting her food come daily on time and not terrorized her body from his assault...fuck he even let her sleep in his body...he was ignoring her for the past days ...but up till when..one of day she is sure he will kick her out of that damn bed and beat the hell out of her..she can't live like this..

In the basement room when she was almost dead she decides if she somehow lives she will try to get the hell out of here but how...she will contact her mother first and then look for other options.

But Sarah was walking towards Mrs Brickson compound she felt dizziness and nausea, not know when she will be ok? She has been feeling like this last for the past week. Maybe her lack of appetite and weight loss has made her body system to be little disturb.. She ignores that and focuses what she had to do first. She enters Mrs Brickson room with a knock and saw Mrs Brickson be cooking something, which smells make her feel nauseated

Mrs Brickson eyes beamed with joy when she saw Sarah and said 'my child, come come, look in making your favourite Mexican meatballs..it will be ready in a minute'

Sarah nose curls in disgust not that she doesn't like meatballs she loves it but today she is not feeling it like that. she said 'thanks Mrs Brickson, actually I need a favor, can I (Sarah looked uncertain) can I used your phone'

Mrs Brickson looked confused 'yes my child but who do you want to call and is something wrong with your phone'

Sarah looked down in shame and said 'you know I don't have a phone nor I can ask Theo to lent me I did one time and I have to pay for it very badly'

Mrs Brickson looked sad 'im sorry my child I forget...these people don't know what a gem you are...one day they will realize and it will be too late'

Sarah eyes filled with tears 'I don't want anything from these people that's why I decided to leave this house (Mrs. Brickson looked shocked at Sarah words) I know you are stun but that's why I need the phone to call my mother..she will understand no matter what Theo has told them about me'

Mrs Brickson replied 'then you should call the police and of course I will help you in any cost don't worry.. here take this and be strong '

Sarah eyes filled with tears ' you know he blocked the Polcie number he will know immediately if someone dailed the authority form their mobile i can't take that risk. I just can call my mom right now'

Mrs Brickson eyes filled with regret and tears and give sarah her mobile.

Sarah took the phone and called her mother after 4th bell her mother picked that phone 'Hello Mrs Blake speaking' Sarah closed her eyes, after 1 year, 3 months and 2 weeks, she heard her mother voice, Sarah felt her throat to be choked and tears were falling she said with broken voice 'Ma, mom ..(she snips her tears ) mom this is me, Sarah '

she heard her mother sharp breath intake and then Mrs Blake said 'sara..sarah'

'Mom... mom I need your help... he will kill me mom I don't know when but he will, plz save me, mom, tell daddy to take me out from here ' Sarah was now full-blown crying.

Mrs Blake said in a harsh tone ' Shut up Sarah stop lying, do you want us to be bankrupt and let your brother live to be ruined...after but you did with Simon I won't let you ruined your little brother Marks life'


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