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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 26


Sissi felt a little angry when he heard others slander her father. It was obvious that her father had just celebrated her birthday in that white flower.


Looking at the big round, watery, and loving eyes of the little girl,


Franklin immediately burst into laughter, and said sarcastically,


"What nonsense are you talking about, little fella? Did your dad and you just be on that crystal white rose? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?!"


Franklin's expression slowly darkened, accompanied by a severe tone, "Your father is a loser, how dare he show up here with your bitch mother and you, an illegitimate daughter?


Are you going to let everyone in H City know about your family of three?


Or are you trying to make Griffith lose face in front of the whole city?!"


As a 3-year-old child, Sissi couldn't stand Franklin's questioning, and she immediately cried out.


"Franklin, shut up! It's none of your business about our family of three!"


Victoria was heartbroken and comforted Sissi in her arms.


The little girl was crying very sad in Victoria's arms, shouting,


"Sissi didn't bullshit..." Victoria was heartbroken.


And Iris, who had been blushing with displeasure, said unhappily at this moment.


"What are you crying for? The old man likes you, but we don't!


Your mother was a bitch, and so are you when you grow up!"


“Ha-ha, Iris was right, like mother, like daughter.’


"In my opinion, it was the loser Maximilian that made the Griffiths disgraced!"


"Maximilian, Victoria, you guys are so bold. You guys come here to eat dinner, even I am ashamed of you.’


In a moment, several of the younger members of the Griffiths coaxed accusations with laughters.


Maximilian’s face grew darker and darker, scanning the crowd blankly, and said in a deep voice,


"That's enough!


Sissi is my daughter and Victoria is my wife. I won't allow you to humiliate them like this!


Otherwise, I'll be unkind to you!"


"What the fuck, Maximilian, what are you talking about? Be unkind to us?!"


Franklin laughed with a teasing expression, and slapped on Maximilian’s cheek, "You try.’


How could such a low-ranking loser dare to say such unreasonable things to Franklin?


Was Maximilian crazy?


Franklin was angry, and the group of Griffith juniors behind him were also sneering to watch the show.


Maximilian's fists tugged many times, and the dormant chill in his eyes about to erupt.


But at this time, Victoria's small hand suddenly grabbed Maximilian’s arm that was about to lift up, shook her head towards him, and said,


"Maximilian, don't make trouble."


Maximilian turned his head, looking at Victoria and Sissi in her arms. The anger in his eyes turned into tenderness.


His fist loosened and he coldly glanced at Franklin before taking Victoria to leave.



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