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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 397

Master Stevens was going to spend a night in Sistine Hotel.

Andrew and Darian had also prepared the feast for him in this hotel. Andrew sent a message to Mint after everything was done and made an appointment with him.

Andrew wanted to ask what Master Stevens liked and wanted to make him happy. Mint went to Andrew’s room quickly and asked with a smile, “What do you want to know by inviting me here?”

“Please sit down. We want to ask something about geometric omen. Is that really dangerous?”

“Of course. Master Stevens will definitely help you if it is a small thing. However, the place you’re going to start construction really shows bad signs. Seven or eight workers will die every year if you don’t deal with it.”

What Mint said shocked Andrew and Darian, as they couldn’t afford the compensation for so many penalties at workplace. They didn’t have to open the factory if that thing really happened.

“Well, twenty million dollars is not a great deal of money. I don’t know what you’re thinking about. Do you think you can save twenty million dollars because you doubt him? What’s wrong with you?”

“Why our master wants to stay here for three days is because he speculates someone will die within these days. Just see what will happen.”

Andrew and Darian’s face went pale upon hearing this. They would not believe it if Mint was telling them a story, but he was predicting what would happen around them.

“Really? Someone is going to die? We haven’t started construction yet, so this thing shouldn’t happen.” Andrew said, trembling.

“Well, do you still doubt it? You can send someone to the building site tonight if you don’t believe it. You don’t have to wait until midnight when bad thing happens most frequently. Someone will suddenly die if you send him to the centre of the building site after nine p.m.” Mint blinked his eyes and said.

Andrew and Darian looked at each other, as they were really anxious. Did they really need to send somebody there?”

“Maximilian.” Darian whispered.

Andrew nodded and replied, “Yes, that loser doesn’t deserve to live. But what excuse can we use? He won’t believe us.”

“But he will believe in Victoria. Let’s ask Victoria to end him there.” Darian answered with a gloomy smile.

“Sure, you can arrange this thing.” Andrew petted on Darian’s shoulder.

Darian pretended a smile and promised him.

“We would do anything as long as Master Stevens is happy. If that loser really died, we will invite him to help us tomorrow. Please treat us kindly.” Andrew took out a bank card and handed it to Mint.

Mint received the card with a smile and replied, “It’s an easy thing for me to do. I will praise you in front of my master. I have to go back now. There’s other things I have to deal with.”

Mint stood up, left the box, and quickly arrived at Master Stevens’ room.


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