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Enigma novel Chapter 40

“She was a cute little munchkin. Papa adored her so much that he would do anything to see her smile. Ah! Those were some wonderful days. The day she moved in the cabin was the best. I would drop her off and pick her up from school every day. I went to school with her once as well. I could tell by her expressions that she didn’t want me to but she didn’t complain much or papa would have given her an earful.” Uncle Ryder laughed with a faraway look. “I miss that time so much. We were so happy together. Just us. The spirit wolf pack and the princess of the pack. She was like the light of our lives. She still is. Spirit walker or not, she will always be our little princess. The adorable little munchkin that stumbled upon us while running into the woods foolishly.”

This is first time I heard uncle Ryder talk about mom’s childhood. Mom nor anyone else ever told us how she met the spirit wolves. Uncle Ryder must be having a hard time with mom spending less time with him. Anyone can tell just by looking at them that they are inseparable. I should encourage mom to spend more time with uncle. She is usually so busy with us that she doesn’t get much time to herself. She is the best mom in the world. I kind of feel guilty for taking so much of her time. From the face Ethan was making, I know he must be thinking the same.

“Your mom and the boys might need something to eat after they wake up. I will go get it. Look over them. Okay?” Dad said to Ethan and I, breaking the silence that stretched between us.

“Why don’t you stay here and look after them? I will go with Ethan to get food for everyone.” I offered.

“Are you sure?” Dad asked.

“Off course dad.” Ethan said grinning.

“Okay then. Be safe and don’t go wondering around.” Dad warned.

I nodded and entered the trail.

“Can I come with?” Francis’s small voice made us turn back around.

We had conveniently forgotten that he was there.

“NO.” Dad and Uncle Ryder snarled scaring the already terrified boy even more.

I shook my head at them.

“Dad, uncle, Ethan is with me. He wouldn’t dare try anything and if he did, I will knock him out and leave him there. He will probably end up passing out of fright with you two here.” I said in a calm voice.

With mom not here, Uncle Ryder will probably try to scare the soul out of Francis and dad will definitely help him in the job. I can totally imagine them grinning evilly over Francis’s quivering body. I shook my head to get rid of the image.

“Yes dad. I will beat him up if he tried anything.” Ethan supplied putting his toned muscles to show.

Uhh! These three hooligans. The fourth one is passed out cold or the party would have been complete.

“Are you guys done scaring the life out of him? If so, we will get going.” I said irritated.


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