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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193 Orlando’s Injuries

“Yes. If not, how would we be able to catch you?” Viola didn’t try to hide anything.

Jerry smiled with a desolate expression

He asked, “Whendid you start to guard apainst me?

Viola answered. Ever since you took out your revolverend.sked me to choose between killing: Oulando and Anw.. I felt that something was wrong with you.”

Jonty didn’t expect Viola to suspect him so cally,

Helooked at Violain disheliei.

Viol. W.SENWessionless she continued, “The last time you were leaving, Washington, I 1ccidentally saw themaninblick in the corridor of Color World. In addition, I Cucountered a splashing sulfuric acid incident the other day. I suspected that you liad a connection with the person who tried to harminc in the McGraw’s place.”

“So that’s how it is,” Jerry smiled with a pale face.

Viola said, “Jerry, you are indeed the only person I have admired since I was young. But why do you Want to kill me?

Jerry shook luis head without any intention of admitting it. And he explained, “I didn’t. When the McGraw family announced your death, you didn’t know how sad I was. I only knew half a month ago

that you are still alive. Only by pretending to cooperate can I come to Washington to see you.

“If you still love me, I will fight them to the end for you, but… You have an annoying follower.

“The other day at the bar, I was standing on the second floor. I didn’t want to fight until Orlando came in. I knew he would protect you, so I launched the attack. I didn’t want to hurt you. How could I bear to let you get hurt?”

As he spoke, he gazed affectionately at Viola with his beautiful eyes. Even though his face was bruised, he still looked handsome.

But Viola didn’t have the time to appreciate luis pood looks.

She said, “Don’t you think that’s ridiculous? If lie didn’t helpine blockit. I would be the one injured

right now. And you said that you weren’t targeting me.

“Don’t hide it. I just want to know who is the one who hamned me in the McGraw’s place. As long as you tell me, I won’t make things difficult for you.” Viola’s eye’s grew colder.

Jerry lowered his eyes and smiled sadly.

“You may let me go, but he won’t.”

Chapter 193 Orlanda’s injuries

Viola was confused.

She asked, “Whom are you talking about?”

Jerry raised his eyes and looked at her. “Viola, that.idorerol yours isn’t .1 rood guy. He’s been usior liis acting skills to trick you. Ileluas more secrets chantil, se your mastn’t fall for

“I know he has secrets. But lamtoo lazy lolithe SITION” Violl cat expression

Anyway, she only had one year 1reement with oulande. After that, would no longer have any dealings with onlando. She was not interested in the latter’s secrets

“It looks like you don’t care about him. That’s good. You shoulthank me. After all, I helped you get rid of this disgusting adorer,” lenty said with a surprised smile.

After seeing Viola frown, Jeny pretended to be surprised with his blue cyes.

”Viola, you may not know that Orlando isn’t honest. Why don’t you go backand check his injuries

yourself? You’ll know how much le hid from you.”

Orlando’s injuries?

Viola frowned. Wasn’t Orlando’s injuries just ordinary skin injuries caused by sulfuric acid?

She was confused, but Jerry still smiled faintly.

But that smile looked a little evil. It didn’t sound like a lie. Instead, it sounded like there was something hidden behind it.

“Details,” Viola said.

Jerry shook his head with a smile.

Viola was a bit annoyed, but she couldn’t do anything to Jerry.

After all, Jerry was the head of the Secret Bureau of Investigation and had a high status in the Army of the United States. Violahad no legitimate reason to touch Jerry, so she didn’t want to cause trouble for herself and Bobby.

She reacted her Laze and turned to leave the hut.

As soon as the door closed, Orlando walked over,

“How was it? Did he say it?”

Viola loweredler eyes and shook lehend ently, longe it. I’ve already confirmed that he

colluded with someone to handle We can find another way to investite the rest. Ask Todd and

the others to destroy the evidence. Don’t leave ailly evidence behind. Sene jerry back tomorrow quictly.”

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Orlando didn’t agree.

Viola could investigate it slowly, but he couldn’t because he didn’t have much time left.

He said, “Viola. If you trust me, leave this matter to me. Witliin two days, I will let him speak the


Viola argued, “You know liis identity. You dare touch him?”


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