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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 474

Chapter 474 Question Jennifer in the Hall

Many things happened that night.

And something was happening in the Felton's house.

Jennifer ran to Pamela's relative's house to play, and her phone was turned off. No one could get in touch with her.

When Viola and others left, Ronian ordered the bodyguards to find Jennifer as soon as possible.

Five hours later, Jennifer was carried back by the bodyguards from her relatives' house in the early morning and thrown directly into the hall.

"Ouch! Be careful. It hurts!"

She rubbed her sore butt and complained angrily at the bodyguard.

The bodyguard bowed politely at her and left the hall without saying a word.

With a loud noise, the door of the hall was heavily closed, which scared Jennifer.

In the night, the candles in the hall flickered and the cold wind blew in occasionally. Jennifer felt terrified and got up from the ground.


Behind her, Ronian ordered coldly.

Hearing this voice, Jennifer trembled, feeling so scared.

She turned around stiffly and saw Ronian standing in front of the ancestors' portraits of the Felton family. His face was gloomy and he was holding an even more terrifying family vine in his hand.

The glossy rattan looked very tough. Obviously, it had soaked in water when it was taken out, and it was prepared for her.

Jennifer was so scared as she tried hard to walk forward, knelt, and forced a smile.

"Ronian, you're so scary. What did I do wrong? I didn't expect that you would even prepare something like a rattan."

Ronian pursed his lips tightly with a gloomy face, which looked so terrifying.

"Ronian, let's talk about it peacefully. My skin is delicate and I can't stand your rattan. Moreover, you have never hit me. Please forgive me this time."

Jennifer bit her lip miserably and pretended to be pitiful.

Ronian walked up to Jennifer and looked down at her. His voice sounded so cold, as if he was interrogating a criminal.

"Just answer my questions. If you dare to lie, I will break your legs.”

Jennifer's face turned pale, and she shook her head heavily. "I don't dare to lie. Ronian, I'll answer all your questions honestly."

"Why did you go out to hide tonight?"

For a moment, she remembered Viola's repeated reminders during the day and pretended to be dumb.

"I didn't go out to hide. Ronian, why do you think so? It was my aunt who called me to go over and play. I usually go and visit her.

"I didn’t intend to come back tonight. But you sent someone to take me back. I often spend the night at my aunt's house. It's unnecessary to scare me with the rattan."

Ronian narrowed his eyes and tried to see through her expression. He continued to ask, "Did you take Viola's crystal earrings?"

When it came to this matter, Jennifer felt a chill in her heart. She repeatedly reminded herself to answer according to what Viola had taught her.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for her to get through it.


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