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EX-husband Groveling to Me novel Chapter 37

Suny only knew that she was in the hot search again after she got home, because two days ago Future Technology was listed in X City, and it was Ashley who showed his face during the listing.

A twenty-seven year old chairman, young and talented, Ashley was on the hot search for two days in a row.

As a result, Suny had just had a meal with Ashley and was photographed by a reporter trying to get an exclusive news, and for a while, the internet was again saying that her new boyfriend was now Ashley.

It had only been about twenty-five days since the last scandal between her and Erik, and if it weren't for the fact that the main character was herself, Suny would have wanted to follow suit and gossip about it.

Suny raised her eyebrows and tossed her phone aside, "M, help me put the water in the bathtub."

At ten o'clock, Alicia's phone call came through, and as soon as she opened her mouth she laughed out loud, "I'm laughing my ass off! How can people be so imaginable nowadays! You've only had one meal and they're already saying you've got a new boyfriend! Haha, it's so funny!"

Suny put on her mask, "Let's have the hot search removed."

"No! Think about it, Future Technology has just hit the market now, it needs the heat! We have said nothing about it, they can think whatever they like!"

Alicia said, snorting coldly, not forgetting Austin: "Besides! The fact that you are the owner of Phantom is exposed proves that you have nothing to do with Kevin and Louis! This is not good, I even met Jennifer the other day! She was buying a birthday present for your wicked ex-mother-in-law! Austin and his bitchy first love are almost together, we can't lose!"

Suny pressed her fingertips against her face and said nonchalantly, "There's no point."

She and Austin had been divorced for almost half a year, even if Austin wanted to marry Jennifer now, it was not a big deal.

Alicia on the other end of the phone muttered, "Anyway, free hot search, free publicity, no need to remove it, just leave it alone."

Suny thought Alicia was right: "Okay then."

Before she hung up the phone, she said to Alicia, "Don't you play any tricks again."


Alicia promised, but ended up doing something the next day.

Yesterday, Suny was caught on camera having dinner with Ashley, but today, she was number one on the search.

Since her divorce from Austin, Suny had not been a particularly good image whenever she had been in the search, but this time it was unexpected.

The title of the search was "What kind of fairy is Suny", and when she clicked on it, it was related to Ashley.

It turned out that Ashley had a live financial interview today, and towards the end of the interview, the host asked him what his relationship with Suny was.

Ashley replied that she was a friend.

This was a very clear answer, but the host then asked what he thought of Suny.

Ashley's image had always been particularly cold and aloof, yet such a cold man said to the camera that he admired Suny, saying that she was the best woman he had ever met.

Ashley showed a rare smile when he answered.

Before the live broadcast was over, screenshots came out on Weibo.

Some people successively compared the way Suny was defended by Kevin, Louis, Erik and the movie queen Alicia after her divorce from Austin, and then now had the new techie and promising future Ashley say such high affirmation, thus concluding that it seemed that apart from the people around Suny's ex-husband who thought Suny was no good, the people around Suny had a high opinion of her.

Add to that the fact that earlier when Suny married Austin, the whole internet was saying that she was a gold digger, but Suny divorced without taking a penny.

She had no choice but to reveal herself as the boss of Phantom after her divorce, and then having such a big shot friend as Ashley, Suny's image was now completely reversed.


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