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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets novel Chapter 780

Chapter 780 Are You Worthy To Compete With Her? 


Is she greedy? 

Listening to Reg’s words, Ruby vomited another mouthful of blood in a fit of 



Over the years, she thought she was different from the so-called leaders of the King League. 

Whether it is identity or ability. 

What qualifications do those people have to be equal to her? 

However, Reg said that she has always been the same as them, there is no difference. 

In Jason’s eyes, is it the same? 

Just as Ruby’s thoughts were racing, there were suddenly several footsteps and approaching bright lights in the dense forest. 

Reg noticed it, and subconsciously glanced in that direction. 

Ruby couldn’t help looking over, as if thinking of something, a glimmer of hope suddenly rose in front of her eyes. 

Is it Bloods’ helping hand? 

Ruby thought, and felt something was wrong again. 


If it’s Bloods, the number seems to be too small, right? 

Just when a glimmer of hope rose in her heart, Reg beside her suddenly laughed. 

“Is it finally here?” 

His tone was a bit lazy and relaxed. 

Ruby didn’t understand what he meant. 

But soon, she saw that under the faint light, the man came with steady steps. 

There was no expression on that handsome face. 

It turned out to be him! 

It’s not Bloods, it’s Jason! 

He finally came, but he chose when he was caught! 

Did he come to see how embarrassed he was? 

Ruby’s mood fluctuated greatly, and he coughed up another mouthful of blood on the spot. 

Seeing this scene, Jason showed no mercy. 

He even stared at Ruby like he was looking at an ant, and asked, “Is the rest settled?” 

“It’s been resolved long ago.” 


Reg nodded, and said with some disappointment: “I thought Bloods would send a master this time, but the result was worse than expected. I really didn’t understand their move!” 

Jason’s tone was cold, “It’s a bit of a waste to let you come here. The Bloods elite didn’t come out at all.” 

After saying this, he looked down at Ruby, his expression filled with disgust, “As the leader of Bloods, the people who sent to rescue you over there are so useless. Ruby, you really failed!” 

The successive blows made Ruby’s complexion more and more pale, especially when he saw the person in front of him with his own eyes, and he was unfeeling to 


Ruby took a deep breath and waited for a while before asking: “What do you mean by that? What do you mean by ‘the elite of Bloods are not out at all?” 

She was fleeing urgently all the way tonight, and had no time to observe the rest of 

the situation. 

Moreover, when a dozen or so helicopters came to the rescue, she naturally didn’t suspect anything. 

But at this moment, after being reminded by Jason’s words, Ruby thought about it. carefully and suddenly realized something was wrong. 

The people sent by Bloods tonight are indeed not as strong as she expected! 

Especially this way, the people who are close to her to protect, among them are ancient martial masters. 

But none of them are superior to her in skill! 

As the leader of Bloods, Ruby naturally knows the masters in Bloods like the back 

of his hand. 

She really didn’t see any of the most elite group of people tonight! 

What exactly is going on? 

Seeing Ruby’s face change, Reg also asked Jason suspiciously, “What does Bloods mean?” 

He looked at the seriously injured Ruby, and said with a hint of amusement in his tone, “Could it be that we have to abandon the leader?” 

These words hit Ruby’s sore spot. 

Ruby’s face was pale. 

When she came to power, she was opposed by many people in Bloods. 

So far, there are still many people inside who do not believe her. 

If they want to take this opportunity to get rid of her, it is not impossible! 

Thinking of this possibility, Ruby is a little hard to accept! 

She is the only heir of the Knight family, and those people want to abandon her regardless of their blood? 

She really didn’t want to believe it. 

However, Eaton also said leisurely at this time, “This is the first time I’ve heard of such a thing as abandoning the leader. Are you people in Bloods so casual?” 

He looked at Ruby jokingly, and concluded to her: “It seems that you can’t do well in the separated King League.” 


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