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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 185

Chapter 185 Ashley Could Only Commit Suicide 

After speaking, he hoisted the large bag of snacks in his hand, after all, it was somewhat strenuous after holding it for a long time. 

Seeing this, I didn’t say much more. After nodding in agreement, I bid him farewell. 

Back at the apartment, Rachel was still holding her phone with a silly smile on her face. Hearing the noise, she looked at me and asked, “What did you go to buy? Why did it take so long? I thought you were not going to bother with me anymore.” 

I took the things I had bought to the kitchen, returned to the living 

room and poured a glass of water. Looking at her, I said, “I ran into a friend on the way and we chatted for a bit.” 

“Friend? Do I know them?” She looked up at me like a curious baby. 

“I don’t know him, but he also lives in your community, seems to be around building 65.” I casually replied to her, then I went back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. 

Rachel tilted her head, showing interest, “Building 65? What kind of friend is this, how come I don’t know them? Are they a rich second generation?” 

I shook my head, started cooking the rice, and casually said, “Just an ordinary person, someone I’ve recently met.” 

She hobbled to the outside of the kitchen, peeling an orange in her hand, and said, “Ordinary people? I doubt it. Over there at Building 65 are row houses. This is downtown, where every inch of land is worth its weight in gold. Those who can afford to live in row houses are not 



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ordinary people.” 

My rice washing motion paused slightly, was the place where Sebastian lived a row of townhouses? Recalling his words, it seemed that he had just moved in, which meant he had just recently settled into this house. 

Driven by instinct, I remembered the place he had taken me to when I was unconscious before. The villa was luxurious and extravagant. Alexander had also said that it was definitely not a villa that ordinary people could live in. 

Sebastian had previously gone to Chesterburg to sell his body for money, and judging from his mother’s attire and behavior just now, she did not seem like a wealthy woman. All these signs indicated that Sebastian was not a rich second generation, nor was he a wealthy man. 

That could only mean that his house must have been funded by his friend. What kind of friend would be so generous? Helping a friend’s friend and even gifting a house worth millions? Moreover, it seemed that they hadn’t known each other for a long time, otherwise Sebastian wouldn’t have betrayed himself for money before. 

It wasn’t long ago, yet he spared no expense for it. Sebastian’s friend really arouses some curiosity. 

Chatting with Rachel while washing vegetables and cooking, it had been a long time since we had gathered together to chat. Once we started, naturally, there were many topics to talk about. 

Not sure how the topic started, but when it came to the Hinton family, Rachel said, “The Hinton family is really strange. Mr. William Hinton must be in his thirties, right? I heard that he only had one daughter and didn’t have any more children after that. Walter, you’ve been married for two years and finally got pregnant, but then suddenly lost it. Didn’t Carley care about this? The Hinton family is considered a wealthy 


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family. Normally, such families would hope for more descendants to expand the family. You and the two Hinton brothers, one is more indifferent than the other.” 

I smiled faintly, couldn’t help but look back at her, and said, “Since when did you start to enjoy gossiping about the Hinton family? Besides, didn’t you previously disdain to mention the matter of having children? Especially the matter of carrying on the family line, you said it was a corrupt thought, so why are you gossiping about it now?” 

She pouted, her mouth stuffed with an orange, and mumbled, “Well, I was just curious.” 

“Put away your curiosity, it’s time to start eating.” I said, as I finished reducing the last dish and served it onto the plate. 


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