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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 189

Chapter 189 

Brian answered on her behalf, Yes.” 

Please follow me, ma’am.” 

Grace’s heart sank. She followed the nurse and walked toward the examination room

Next to the examination room, there was a pile of plasma on the trolley. Grace rolled her eyes and quickly took a bag of plasma and hid it in her clothes. She covered her abdomen and said to the nurse, I need to go to the 


The nurse glanced at her. Just go.” 

Grace held her abdomen and came out of the corridor. Brian looked at her gloomily. What are you doing?” 

Grace looked at him gloomily as well. I need to use the toilet. If you’re worried, you can come with me.” 

Brian glanced at her. Afraid that she would play tricks, he followed her to the washroom door

Grace walked into the cubicle and took out her phone to call Nancy. Then, she took out the plasma from her clothes and poured it on her thighs

She threw the plasma into the trash can and walked to the sink to ch*ck herself out in the mirror. Because she had struggled with Brian just now, her forehead was covered in sweat and her lips looked very pale

That was exactly the effect she’d wanted

Grace covered her stomach and walked out of the washroom with her back bent

HelpMy stomach hurts…” 

Brian suddenly turned around and saw Grace leaning against the wall with a pale face. The space between her legs was stained with blood

Brian’s expression turned pale. He suddenly widened his eyes as he rushed over to hold her arm

What’s going on with you?” 

Grace raised her head and looked at him. Her voice was weak and gloomy. It’s all thus to you. Are you happy…. to see me suffer a miscarriage?” 

Panic flashed in Brian’s eyes. He held her hand tightly. No. You’ll be fine.” 

Grace frowned. Her heart ached. Why did she see nervousness in his eyes

Brian picked her up horizontally and shouted, Doctor! Where is the doctor?” 

His arms were trembling as he held her. He seemed to have never seen so much blood before. At that moment, he felt fear as it hit him so violently

The nurse quickly rushed over. Grace lay on the hospital bed and was sent into the operating theater

Grace was lyg on the operating bed. Because the situation was urgent, the doctors and nurses were flustered. She 




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took this opportunity to jump down from the bed and run out of the operating theater through another smal doon 

She picked up a blue gown from the operating theater, put it on, and ran downstairs

She had just reached the first floor when she was blocked by a familiar figure

Grace’s heart skipped a beat. 


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