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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 185

Book Two Chapter ThirtyThree 

288 iVouchers 

Book Two Chapter ThirtyThree 

Future Alpha Aspen 

I cringed as the front of my father’s truck met the metal gate of the council building. The sound of metal on metal caused goosebumps to cover my body as I threw my arm out to brace myself on the dash


Dad,I shouted as the truck came to a halt in front of the building. Warriors surround the truck. Our warriors used their vehicles as shields as they caged in the truck and almost hit the warriors in the way

My father jumped out of the truck and it was then I noticed the head of the coucil standing on the top of the stairs. A black blur flew over one of the SUVs before tackling the councilman

Damnnit, Dad,I growled getting out of the truck

I rushed around the front of the truck and through two SUVs before seeing my father’s wolf surrounded by council warriors. He was ripping apart the head of the coucil without a care in the world that they could open fire any second

Well, that was easy,Luca exhaled beside me

Yeah, but what if he was the only one who knew where mom was?I sighed as Gunner sat back and let out a howl

Everyone stand down,I commanded as I rushed up the stairs. My father was now the head of the council



Book Two Chapter ThirtyThree 

288 ¡Vouchers 

He can’t just storm in here without an official challenge in place. What he has done is an act of war,a councilman argued coming out of the council building. Gunner growled as the member approached us

And taking his mate wasn’t an act of war,Luca retorted

I admit we made a mistake but does that mean we should all be killed?He gasped. Gunner got down, ready to pounce on the poor bastard

If you tell us where she is, then maybe I will stop him from killing you,I said, crossing my arms over my chest

“She? What are you talking about?He questioned

“Search the building. I want everyone who is inside to be brought out here for questioning,I told Connor who was standing on the other side of me

Yes, sir,he replied before barking orders to the men

Luna Orion was taken from our pack earlier today and we want her back,I demanded. The councilman looked nervous as he looked between me and my father’s massive black wolf

I’m sorry that happened,he stammered, but it wasn’t the council.Gunner let out a murderous growl and he paled before stepping back

My father shifted back, covered in blood

You will give me back my mate, now,he screamed as he pointed at him. Even I took a step back. I’ve seen him crazy before but he had reached a new level



Book Two Chapter ThirtyThree 

✰✰ 288 ¡Vouchers 

Alpha Orion, Luna Orion is not here,he stuttered. She hasn’t been here since you claimed her as your second chance.” I stepped in front of my father before he could attack

We may need him.” 

My father stormed down the stairs, back to the vehicles, hopefully, to find pants as I ordered our men to take everyone down the the parking area. I didn’t need anyone falling down the stairs before, we got a chance to interrogate them

My father stepped up beside me after our warriors had cleared out the building and their warriors were disarmed. Everyone made up two lines

We are looking for information on the whereabouts of Luna Orion,I called out. My father let out a murderous growl with the mention of his mate. I knew this was going to be difficult for him but we needed information first before we could kill anyone. Everyone I could see took a step back away from us, but the commotion down the line caught my attention

I marched over there and was surprised when a young girl pushed through and wrapped her arms around my waist. A furious older man followed her

Please, help me,she begged

I’m sorry, Alpha,the man spoke and reached for the girl with the death grip on me

Step back,I ordered the man

She is a child, Alpha, she didn’t mean any disrespect,he pleaded



Book Two Chapter ThirtyThree 

288 Vouchers 

Don’t let him take me,the girl cried as she held on to me tighter. I looked at my father before looking down at the girl. I brushed some hair from her face to see bruises. She winced when I unwrapped her arms and kneeled to see her more clearly. I pulled up the sleeves of her shirt to see track marks

Please,she mumbled and I looked up into her big brown eyes, filled with tears

I won’t let them hurt you again,I spoke softly to not scare her, even though I have never felt a fury like this before. But I need you to stand with that man,I pointed to Luca who stepped forward. I couldn’t trust my father with this since I didn’t want the poor girl to see everyone getting ripped apart

No, please,she pleaded

My name is Aspen and he is Luca. I trust him. No one is ever going to hurt you again.I assured her. I just don’t want you to see this.She hesitated before nodding

That fucker is dead,Bliz growled in my head 

It’s okay, Sweetie,Luca held out his hand and I nudged her towards him

When she was out of sight I grabbed the fucker by the throat. His eyes bulged out as his face turned red


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