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Fates Hands novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24

##WARNING!! More bad language and situations.###

The Prince was getting a little worried, usually when his father sent guards to fetch him he was always waiting for him to come through the door and pounce on him, yelling and screaming.

This time there was nothing, they walked him down a silent and empty hall. When they reached his room they tossed him in and locked the door. He wasn’t worried about being locked in he had plenty of other ways to get out of this


He walked over to his closet and put on one of his more formal uniforms. He then went to the other side of the room, where a secret panel was hidden, that led out to the gardens. He snickered as he crossed the room, when he got to the panel however it didn’t open. No matter he went to the trap door by his bed, it was sealed shut.

With a little bit of unease he went to his balcony, when he opened the doors he was met with bars. He sat down on his bed, this time he was feeling fear creeping up his spine. Something was wrong, perhaps it was a military coup after all. He won’t know till he see’s his

father, if they let him see his father.

He remembered that he’d left his laptop in his ajoining study, he opened the door and found the room was empy. Literally empty, there was nothing, just open room and empty book shelves, even the curtains were gone. He rushed over to the book case in the middle and moved it away from the wall, he then tapped the hidden panel to find his safe.

He opened it and to his horror there was nothing inside. He cursed and kicked the book case till he calmed down. He went over to the bell pull and gave it a tug, nothing. He did it again, again nothing. Usually when he tugged on it a servant came running to do his bidding. Now only silence.

He started to throw a fit, smashing things left and right. Completely destroying an old priceless table and chair set. When he was done he listened to see if anyone was coming like always, there was only silence.

That was when he noticed an envelope on the floor by the door, it was an official invitation with his name written on it. It was his fathers hand writting, he opened it. All that was in there was a simple invite, he was to dine with his father in his private rooms at 7pm in two nights time.

He went over to the bar area to get a drink, he looked through all the shelves and storage closet, nothing not a single drop of anything.

Well I guess the cat’s out of the bag now, he is going to have me marry that dog faced princess, I will probally be under lock and key till we have at least our first child. He couldn’t wait to be King and be rid of all this nonsense. Perhaps it is time that dear old dad met with a tragic accident.

He had been planning it for years now, he even had three plans to do it. Then he remembered that those plans were on his laptop. Shit…..

Duncan was asked to go to the King in his private chambers as soon as he arrived, when he got there he wasn’t surprised to see Jack there too. He gave Jack a hug in greeting and they sat down with their long time friend and King.

They were worried about him, he looked sick, tired and older. His son was killing him from the inside out. He greeted them but then he went silent again. Both Duncan and Jack looked at each other in concern.

“Your Highness please talk to us, tell us what has you so troubled?”

“As you already know, it is my son that grieves me so. What have I done to make him hate me so much. I already was dealing with heartache when I learned what he had done. Then this morning before my son arrived, I looked through his lap top. He has plans, yes more than one to kill me off.”

“He wrote it all down as if it was nothing more than another chore he would have to take care of. It was in so much detail, two of the plans were almost flawless, he would of gotten away with it for sure. He was just waiting for the right time, waiting for the right opportunity.”

“Then I find out that the money he used to invest in that horrible pack operation, came from the peoples coffers. He stole the peoples money, to open a business that would rape, torture and kill innocent children and women. Even grown men. They thought of humans as no more than tissue, to be used and disposed of.

They don’t think much better about our species either.”

The King went quiet again, then he grabbed his head and began to yell out in a voice that was filled with pain.


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