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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 

Chapter 26 


Drusilla was so startled that she too screamed, thinking that there was a bug or something around her, and swatted her hands wildly

Drusilla, what did you do?I asked, staring at my reflection in shock

“What? What did I do?she hurriedly came over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders

That does not look like me,I said, and she only slapped my shoulder lightly

God, you scared me” 

1 felt tears brimming in my eyes as I looked at her. Thank you” 

She placed her chin on my head and replied, You worked hard for the event. You deserve some pampering” 

For a good five minutes, I had trouble believing that the reflection staring back at me was indeed mine

It seemed like Drusilla had waved some wand over me and turned me into a beautiful princess. She had chosen an off shoulder dress with a deep neckline that gave some bounce to my breasts. The gown hugged my body up to the waist before flaring down the knees a little

There were beads and small flowers running through the neckline and a delicate lace pattern that ran along the waistline

My hair was curled a bit, giving them a bounce as they fell gracefully on my shoulders. She had only put on light make up but I had never looked this pretty in my life

You look amazing, Zen.She breathed, and I quirked an eyebrow

Zen? I like that name,she giggled and replied. Ok now you go out and slay the event. Who knows, maybe you will find your mate too today.” 

She wriggled her eyebrows, and I only tried hard not to blush. At least, somebody was holding hope for me despite knowing that I was wolfless

Drusilla turned to walk out of the room, but she bumped into something or someone

Ouch,she rubbed her forehead and looked up to see Elijah

Don’t you have eyes?she asked with a scowl, but his eyes were fixated on me

For a moment he said nothing and ran his eyes from my feet up to my face before letting out a breath


He muttered, and I tried not to blush

Drusilla rolled her eyes and waved her hand in front of him

Hello? You should apologize to meBut Elijah simply shot his hand forward and pushed her away, making her slap him on the back again

You idiotShe winced, but he paid her no attention

He stepped inside the room and muttered, You look gorgeous, ZenHe said and held his hand forward

Drusilla threw her hands up in despair and walked off, leaving him and me alone

I smiled at him and replied, So do you” 

Elijah was wearing a crisp suit, and his hair was perfectly combed

Not as good as you,” He said and offered me a hand. I gave him a small smile, and I took it as he placed a small kiss on my hand, making me blush

Shall we?He asked, and I nodded my head

I figured if I was going to leave this mansion, I might as well have some fun before leaving this world behind me

Tonight was going to be fun and tomorrow would be the dawn of a new chapter in my life

Thus, I let Elijah guide me outside the mansion

However, instead of taking me out through the front door, he redirected us both toward the back door

Why are we going through this door?I asked him and he smiled

The crowd and noise is too much. Let us talk in silence for a while and then we join the others. Is that okay?” 

He asked, and I readily agreed. I did not want to see the girls all coming up with devious ways to seduce Callahan

Chapter 26 

Speaking of which, where was he

My gaze flitted in the direction of his office, but I could not spot him. The lights were still on, so probably he was still inside

It had only been a few days since I had talked to him, but it already felt like ages. I wanted to see him smile or even show me that devilishly delicious smirk of his

My disappointment must be evident on my face because Elijah asked, Is something worrying you?” 

I tore my gaze away from the windows of Callahan’s office and replied, Nnothing” 

He patted my arm, and we took a stroll through the wide lawn

The night was starry and the full moon shining above was casting a soft glow on the trees around us

The moon is very beautiful,” I said while gazing at the sky and he, too, looked up

Yeah, I don’t even remember when was the last time I waited to admire its beauty” 

I added, I and my mother used to gaze at the moon and the stars at night as she would tell me bedtime stories.” 

Sounds like a dream. I guess you were close to your motherElijah asked, and I tried to not show the lump forming in my 


She loved me a lot and was my pillar of strength. I miss her,I said softly, and he halted in his tracks

Was? But King Callahan told me that your pack disowned you” 

I tried not to show how that memory affected me and said, Well, that is my father and his mate. Luna Celeste. She is not my biological mother” 

Ahh. I see.” He said and then fell silent

The memories of Celeste, Sid, and my father made the remaining happiness dissipate into thin air

I am sorry. Just forget about anything I said today.Elijah said, and I nodded meekly while eyeing the ground

He could tell that my mood had dipped, so he held me by the shoulders and whirled me around

You know what? Let us go and join the party.” 

I bit my lower lip nervously. But there are so many alphas and betas around there. I feel nervous” 

Elijah waved his hand in the air, dismissing my concern. I am there with you. All of the alphas and betas are still lower to me by rank” 

How is that possible?I asked

Usually, alphas were at the top, followed by betas and gammas

Elijah winked. Because I am gamma to the Lycan King. You know that he is THE king, right?” 

I nodded, my heart fluttering at the mention of his name again. I dismissed that thought as Elijah dragged me through the front door and towards the open lawns

A few groups had formed, and people had already started drinking. Elijah lowered his head to whisper


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