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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Olivia lay on the bed and drowned in her thoughts.

This day was a really long day. She had just seen Dad’s suicide note and Mom’s autopsy report, and once she got back, she got framed.

Everything happened like it was yesterday, and tears flowed uncontrollably down the corner of Olivia’s eyes.

The evidence she had gathered was not enough to sue Dorothy, but she could not leave it as it was.

As she thought about Zac Quinton, she sat up from her bed.

After scouring through the room for a long while, she finally found a phone hidden in the cracks.

Olivia walked to the balcony and dialed Zac’s number warily as she kept tabs on the direction of the bathroom door. She was afraid that John would enter the room suddenly.

“It’s me, Mr. Quinton.”

When Zac heard that it was Olivia’s voice, he breathed a sigh of relief. “Are you okay? What happened yesterday? Are you safe? Where are you?”

Olivia was stunned for a while. A warm, fuzzy feeling arose in her heart.

“I’m at the Cliffside Villa. Johnny is bathing. I’ll cut straight to the point.”


“Are you free to meet me tomorrow? I have something that I need to ask you about.” Just in case Zac misunderstood her, Olivia added deliberately, “It’s in regard to the


“Of course. I have some serious matters to inform you about as well.”

“What happened? Did something happen to Zyla?”

“It’s Uncle Wallace. His body was found.”

Olivia’s legs suddenly lost their strength. Her voice trembled as she asked, “R-really?”

“Yes, but you’re needed to go and identify the body. So, if you’re okay, we’ll head there tomorrow. It’s in the neighboring city.”

“Okay, no problem.”



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