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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 This Man Scared Bethany

In the afternoon, the doctor put an intravenous drip on Bethany. Compared to when she just woke up, Bethany felt better now.

She still could not move in bed, so she could only rest with her eyes closed until she heard the sound of footsteps outside the ward.

She thought it was Raymond coming back, but it turned out to be the Shepards. Truth be told, she was reluctant to see them to the core at the moment.

"Mr. Shepard, Mrs. Shepard." Although she was unhappy inwardly about their arrival, she had to greet them out of courtesy.

"Don't move, just lie down." Mrs. Shepard hurriedly put the fruit basket on the coffee table before going to the bed. "I just heard about your accident. How did that happen? How are you feeling now? Did you hurt seriously?" she said.

"I'm fine." Bethany said slowly, "I'll recover after a rest cure for some time."

"Thank god, it's not serious. I was worried sick." Mrs. Shepard uttered, "If you need anything during the hospitalization, just let me know. Don't stand on ceremony."

"Thank you, Mrs. Shepard."

The next second, Mrs. Shepard's cell phone rang. To her surprise, it was a call from Nolan.

Fearing that Karter would be angry to know, she hurriedly said, "Someone's calling. I gotta go out to answer it."

With that said, Mrs. Shepard hurried out of the ward, leaving only Bethany and Karter in the ward, As a result, the atmosphere changed instantly.

"Why is Ray not here?" Karter looked around and said, "It's weird he's not here when you're hospitalized."

"He... He went out to run some errands."

Bethany knew that Karter was still angry with her for the previous matter. He might not be up to no good to visit her, but he was definitely not here because of truly worrying about her.

"Mr. Shepard, thank you for coming to see me here even though you are so busy." Bethany was still powerless. It took her a lot of effort to speak.

"You are Ray's fiancée, so you can be said to be my daughter-in-law. I am supposed to pay a visit here." Karter roughly sized her up before frowning. He then shook his head and said, "You seem to be injured badly. How did the accident happen? Why were you so careless?"

When Karter said the last few words, his tone and his gaze sent chills down Bethany's spine.

"Ray must have been with you in the hospital all this time, right?" Karter smiled unpleasantly.

"I've known him since his childhood. He has been independent and strong-minded since he was a kid." Karter said.

"Actually, as a kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth, all he needed to do was study hard and inherit the family business when he grew up. However, he chose to be a soldier in the army. " Karter commented.

Ray was still young back then.

When a military officer took a fancy to him, he joined the army without hesitation. It can be said that he grew up in the army. He had to do training apart from classes every day, but he was always persistent.

When his father died in his teens, he had two choices: one was to come back for the funeral, and the other was to carry out his first military mission. He chose the latter.

In the end, the big family business was in the charge of his mother.

His mother begged him for many times to come back and help her run the company, but he always refused, which made his mother become an able businesswoman.

Karter daughter Aria, she has a crush to him when she was little. Since he became a soldier, she foolishly waited for him.

When Ray was injured, she stayed by his side and took care of him. Although there were many men pursuing Aria, she never took a look at them.

She has always wanted to marry Ray for more than 20 years.

"I thought no matter how heartless Ray was, Aria's deep affection for him should have moved him, but I was completely wrong. Speaking of this, it seems that Ray is someone who will not care about his family at all for the sake of his own faith. Karter sighed.

"For someone who only cares about his career, how is it possible for him to fall in love with a woman? It turns out that I was really wrong." Karter said, "He not only fell in love with you but also beacme so considerate. He seems to have become a completely different person now.

"Bethany, you are indeed something. How did you worm your way into his affections?" Karter asked.


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