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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Damion Met Tyrone

"What's the matter, Damion? Are you crying?" Tyrone's tears took Nolan by surprise. Would Damion even cry?

Tyrone didn't say anything. Not until he got in the car did he say, "Let's go to the Happy Mall near the hospital."

"The Happy Mall?" Did he still want to go to the mall now?

However, since Tyrone had asked for it, Nolan had no choice but to do it as requested. When they got to the mall, Tyrone said, "I wanna have some alone time. Don't follow me."

With that, Tyrone went into the washroom, and Nolan was stunned.

He could not believe that such a little kid would want to have some alone time himself.

After Tyrone entered the washroom, he called Damion. At this time, Damion was teaching Shayla math. Seeing the call from Tyrone, he hurriedly made his way to the bathroom before answering the call.

"I'm in the men's room on the first floor of the Happy Mall. Come here right now. I want to see you!" Tyrone beat Damion to open his mouth this time.

"See me?" According to Tyrone's tone, Damion could sense something amiss and, therefore, became a little jittery. "What's the matter? Why do you suddenly want to see me?" Damion asked.

"I'll tell you face to face later. Come here alone. I came to the mall with Nolan. Don't let him spot you on your way here." With that, Tyrone hung up.

Damion was confused to the core. Tyrone's anxious tone showed that there must be something wrong.

"Shayla, one of my classmates asked me out to play basketball. Solve the problems yourself. I'll go out now." Damion had to tell such a lie.

"It's kind of late now. Who asked you to play basketball?" Shayla asked doubtfully.

"A classmate."

"It's so late. Why are you still going out?" Ainsley asked. She heard the two kids' conversation and came out in a hurry.

"Ainsley, don't worry. It's close to the apartment complex. I won't go too far. Please take care of Shayla at home. I gotta go." With that, Damion ran out.

Shayla shook her head helplessly and uttered, "Tyrone always likes to go out alone. Ainsley, you don't have to worry about him. He has gone out so many times on his own, and it turns out that he won't go missing."

After Damion left the apartment complex, he immediately hailed a taxi to the Happy Mall. He and Tyrone had switched their identities and always kept in touch. However, they had never seen each other face to face.

Damion felt it was very weird to see someone who looked exactly the same as him.

Sure enough, when Tyrone stood in front of him, Damion had the illusion that he was looking at himself in the mirror.

Not only were they like two peas in a pod, but they also had the same body shapes. No wonder those adults would get Damion mixed up with Tyrone.

"Take off your clothes," Tyrone first said. "We should switch back. You continue to be Mr. Damion, and I will still be Tyrone."

"Switch back?" Damion was taken aback by Tyrone's decision. "Why did you suddenly want that?"


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