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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Tyrone, Are You Even Human

After Bethany finished the injection, Raymond said, "Shall we go out for a walk again today?"

"I want to try walking on my own," Bethany said. "I feel some strength in my body."

"Okay, I'll support you," Raymond said. But Bethany actually don't want his help. Didn't he hire a female caregiver for her? If the caregiver couldn't lift her up, at least she could assist her, right?

"I've helped you clean your body, I've carried you, and now I'm just supporting you. What's with all this fuss?" Raymond said in a commanding tone. "Listen to me!"

Damn it!

Bethany really wanted to curse at the moment.

So Raymond helped her out of bed. At first, Bethany still felt pain and couldn't exert much strength when taking a few steps.

"If you can't handle it, forget it. Don't force yourself!" Raymond said.

"It's okay, I think I can do it." After Raymond supported Bethany and slowly walked out of the ward, her other hand held onto the railing outside the ward and she moved forward little by little.

"If you can't take it anymore, stop walking," Raymond reminded her after she had been walking for a while.

"Yes, I'll hold on for a while longer."

This was the first time she had been able to walk since the car accident, and it was not bad. Every day after that, she walked a little bit. At first, Raymond supported her, but later he only supported her occasionally, and eventually she could walk on her own.

On this day, the doctor conducted a full body examination and nodded approvingly, "Your recovery is faster than expected. We'll observe for another two or three days, and if everything looks good, you can be discharged."

She had been in the hospital for over a month. If she didn't get discharged soon, Bethany felt like she would go crazy.

"But being discharged doesn't mean everything will be fine. As the saying goes, it takes a hundred days to recover from a bone and joint injury. In your case, don't even think about going back to work within six months. Rest more, avoid exertion, and maintain a positive mood. Don't let your mood fluctuate too much."

"Okay." Bethany was a doctor herself, so she understood. With the intensity of her work as a doctor, she really shouldn't expect to go back within six months, given her current physical condition.

At least six months? Just thinking about it made her worry. It meant she would be idle for six months without earning a single penny.

"Thank you, doctor," Raymond thanked the doctor. After the doctor left, he said to Bethany, "There's something I haven't told you. The person responsible for the accident claims that he doesn't have any money and would rather go to jail than pay you compensation."

Was that so? So she suffered all this for nothing?

"Oh." Bethany could only respond lightly. What else could she say?

"If you have financial difficulties, I can lend you some money first, hmm?" Raymond said deliberately.

Lending her money?

"No need," Bethany said, "I still owe you 75,000. I'll repay you by being your private doctor. If I borrow money from you, then you'll be my debtor for a lifetime. No, I have savings, I won't starve. Don't bother, Mr. Zavala."

"I see. Well, if you don't want to borrow, then I won't lend it to you."

"I don't want to borrow!" Bethany said firmly. "I want to take a walk in the yard by myself. Don't follow me!"

After saying that, Bethany turned and walked away. She still walked very slowly, and as Raymond watched her struggling figure, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Bethany walked to the yard alone and just sat down on a bench when her phone rang. It was Shayla.

She hadn't seen this little girl for over a month. She really missed her.

"Hello, Shayla."

"Beth, did you and Raymond run off to travel the world? How long has it been since you left?" Shayla couldn't help but complain, "You can't just get lost in your happiness with your future husband and forget that you have two children. Both Tyrone and I are like left-behind children now."

"I'll be back soon, in another three or four days," Bethany said.


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