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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 78

  1. A Father’s Love

Seeing Frank’s reaction, Kara spun around. Two toddlers were

apparently lying near the taller stack in the middle. They took shelter in its shadow, hugging each other.

“They’re here….” Kara sighed with a smile. “They’re here!”

Without considering the height, she ran towards the twins. “Louis,


Hearing the names from Kara’s mouth, Frank’s ears immediately rang and his chest became tight.

‘Is that really them? I am… their father?’

Even though Frank had expected it earlier, reality still hit him ha All

the bad comments he had made towards the twins’ parents we

turning into his heart.

‘I am a useless parent?’

He realized that his sin against Kara and the children he had abandoned was enormous. It had piled up as high as a mountain and was impossible to move.

After a long time, Frank Harper finally gathered tears in his eyes again. Not because of guilt towards his father or disappointment with his grandfather, but because of the family he failed to take care.

“Little Angels….” Kara dropped her knees onto the cargo. The vibration made the twins open their eyes.

“Mommy?” Louis smiled. While keeping his left hand with another hand, he sat up.

Emily got up too. She was blinking silently. Only after seeing Kara’s



Kara welcomed Emily’s warm hug with la aafiainitalaugh. Her tears could no longer be contained.

“You are really brave, Little Bees! You are really great to be able to

climb up here,” Kara said in a trembling voicee.

The twins had been through something terribileleWouldn’t it be much better if she gave them praise rather than regretea radhi d/worry?

“This was Louis’ idea. I was crazy enough to followwhining pip here,” Emily said with pursed lips.

‘Is that so?” Kara shifted her blurry gaze towards heres conA After wiping away tears, she whispered, “That’s a brilliant idea,a,leterő.’

Louis chuckled. His white tiny teeth looked cute and so did thisisoosy cheeks. “Thank you, Mommy. I’ve thought hard about howto prevent the villain from catching us.”

Kara nodded, holding back tears. “Good job, Louis. That’s

Now, how are you doing? You guys aren’t hurt, are you?”

“My hand hurt. But after sleeping, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” Louisis shook his head so quickly that his chubby cheeks trembled.d

“Mommy, have you seen Yemon? He made me bother going up the e stairs earlier. So, Louis asked me to throw him away. Louis even tore e off a patch from my shim to put in the secret pocket.”

Kara nodded slightly. “Yes, Yemon is downstairs. But why did you tearr your sister’s clothes, Honey?’

Louis’ eyes suddenly became round and fiery. “I think that could be a clue. It’s the same color as the big box we climbed on earlier.”

“We didn’t actually mean to go up here, Mommy. We planned to go up to the lower box. But when we got there, the box suddenly moved here,


But I think it was better. No one will think we strepnere. Emily and i ust kept lying down. We planned to keep hiding gott Mommy came.”

Then it turns out, we fell asleep. Even though litis hoothaewind here nade us sleepy.”

Cara smiled a little hearing her children’s story. Aftertheeyifinished elling all the excitement, she spread her arms. Withoutwaiting for

rders, the twins went into her embrace.

Thank you very much, Little Angels. Thank you for holding comand eating for Mommy,” Kara sighed with emotion.

Hankkyyou, Mommy We’re happy because Mommy can find us,5,

usssa add/white patting Kara on the back.

‘ésswecantos super happy because Mommy finally came to pick us upp.

Birt,t Moonnngy, ‘EEmily moved away from her mother’s hug er armss”ccantohisago away?”

arastook Enilishaand and kissed her burning skin. “Yes,

on’t worryy Youuuastbeed to use sunscreen regularly. Now the


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