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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 30

Amelia's POV

"I love you, little one."

When he said this my body tensed. This what I wanted to hear from him ever since I met him. And now that he said it, I don't know what I have to say.

"Xavier, I-I" I stuttered. "Shh, little one. You don't have to say anything. Just listen to what I have to say first." He was in sitting in his knees while cupping my face.

"I was such a fool to not accept my feelings, for you. In all honesty, I had feelings for you, little one. Since the moment I saw you, I was starting to develop feelings for you.

But I was afraid. I had built this wall around my heart, after my mum left. I thought everyone will leave me. But you started to break those walls.

No matter how strong I build it, you were breaking them with just mere looks. And that scared me. I thought you will eventually leave me.

But you didn't. No matter how much I pushed you, you stayed. You never left. You always find your back to me, little one.

So please, little one. Accept me. Be mine. All mine." he said holding my hands tightly, almost begging. I just stayed there silent.

"You loved me once, little one. Love me again." he said, his eyes glistening with tears. "I didn't loved you, Xavier." I said with tears forming of my own.

His face fell. "I love you." I said in honestly. I will always love him. I can't even imagine myself with another person than Xavier.

He had a smile forming in his lips. "But, I was hurt Xavier. And I am scared to be hurt again." he face showed concern to what I say.

"Than let me heal you, little one. Just like how you healed my stone heart. And I promise, with my heart, I will never hurt you." He said genuinely.

"Than yes. I would give you a chance." I said with a smile. He sat there shocked before engulfing me into a hug.

"Thank you so much, little one. I promise I will treat you like the Queen you are." I laughed at the irony. I hugged him back with a smile on my face.

We stayed like that for awhile, before we pulled away. We were looking at each other, like how every mates stare at each other.

He slowly started to lean in. So did I. The moment our lips collided, fireworks started to happen. I was smiling into the kiss.

It was slow and passionate. After some time, we pulled away. We stayed there in each others arm, gazing into the sky.

Soon it got dark, and we decided to head back. When we headed back, everyone were already asleep. We were retreating to our rooms.

I said good night to him. He gave me a kiss in my cheek and we retreated to our room. I was trying to calm my racing heart.

I haven't never felt this contented in my life. I feel happy to be with him. We need to take things slow, but we will get there.

I went to take a shower and put on my onesie and went to sleep. I was thinking about today and us. With a smile I went to sleep.

I was sleeping, when I heard someone screaming and making me wide awake. Realising it was Xavier's screams, I quickly jolt to his room.

I saw him squirming and groaning as sweat covered his face. His eyebrows were scrunched. He was having a nightmare.

"Little one, No. Come back." he kept repeating the same thing again. I rushed to him and tried to wake him up.

"Xavier, wake up!" I said while shaking him. After sometime he woke up and started to look around the room. When his eyes found mine, he quickly pulled me into a hug.

"You are ok, little one. You are alive." he said breathing heavily. "Hey its ok. I am here, Xavier. I am ok. We are ok." I whispered.

I slowly lay him down and covered him with the duvet. I stroke his hair as I smiled at him softly. I stood up to leave, thinking he was asleep, when he stopped me.

"Stay with me, please." I heard his desperation. I contemplated and decided to stay. He scooted a little and made some space for me.

I went and lay next to him. We cuddled into each others arm and fell into each others embrace.

Chapter 30 1

Chapter 30 2


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