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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 126

An End

I run towards Atticus and Valerie, my heart pounding violently. “Valerie!”

“She’s alright.” Atticus growls but I can tell he is angry. His voice is tense and trembling with rage. Even though he’s reassured me, I keep running.

“Shame you survived that attack… don’t worry, this time I’ll end her properly.” Gaultier sneers, making my eyes flash.

“Fuck you.” Valerie spits.

“If you want to.”

Atticus’s snarl reaches me just as Sebastian

catches up to me.

‘Get on!’ he snarls.

I don’t argue, jumping onto his back as he runs at incredible speed through the trees.

There are dozens of wolves all around and I

can’t see Valerie or Atticus, although I can sense their auras ahead from the midst of all of the wolves.

Sebastian tears through them, throwing, biting and killing them as we pass.

I catch Valerie’s and Atticus’s scent up ahead and my eyes blaze as I leap off Sebastian’s back blasting Gerard to the ground, my glowing orange power swirling around me like a full- body shield.

“Don’t touch her!” I snarl, looking at Valerie, who is clutching her bloody arm.

“Or what?” Gaultier asks as he turns his cold eyes on me. The similarities to Sebastian are uncanny, and I hate it.

“Or I will fuck you up,” I reply icily.

Gaultier rushes at me, only for Sebastian to growl threateningly at him as he blocks his path, his aura surging around him.

“Ah, Sebastian… what a surprise,” Gerard says coldly. He stands there completely relaxed, with Gaultier’s aura protecting them both.

Sebastian snarls at him. ‘You lied to me!’ His voice is loud in my head. I can feel his rage and anger through the bond. He wants blood and vengeance.

“You betrayed me.” Gerard counters.

‘I fucking wish I did it sooner!’ Sebastian growls. With him distracting Gerard, I quickly make my way over to Atticus and Valerie.

“Val!” I whisper, worry rushing through me.

“I’m fine,” she reassures me as she staggers to her feet. Atticus’s shield protects us from the wolves that surround us.

“Let’s end this once and for all,” I say, looking at her worriedly.

“I’m ok, babe.” She whispers through her earpiece before she looks at me. “I’m ready.”

Atticus nods as the three of us turn as one, even as many wolves circle us and the sound of bullets from all around us, we do not falter.

Atticus’s shield holds in place and the three of us join our hands together. I feel the surge of power burst through me as I look at Gaultier. “You know this is wrong… why are you even doing this? Look around! All you are doing is killing innocent people!” I shout, wanting to give him one final chance before we end this.

He hurt Valerie… he hurt and killed so many… is there any compassion or an ounce of humanity in the murderer before me?

“Innocent? Those who are ready to fight a war are not innocent, nor are they casualties of war! They are killers!” He snarls at me, his eyes cold. and emotionless.

“I guess you don’t seem to look in the mirror often… so is that your wish? Will you fight the Sublime as if we are your enemy until the very end?” I ask.

“As if you are? You fucking ARE my enemy!” Gaultier snarls, launching himself at me. His aura swirls around him, but it’s nothing compared to the combined power of all three of “Let it all go,” I whisper as I glance at the moon for a moment.

Guide your people, goddess…

As one, we raise a powerful shield, one that illuminates the entire sky, blinding all those around us. The moment he tries to cut through it, I tighten my hand, making the powerful force field wrap around him.

He’s fighting it, his heart thundering with anger and frustration, but he is not strong enough to take on the three of us.

My gaze flicks to Sebastian as the bullets.

continue to rain down on us.

“Bastien!” I shout, my heart almost stopping when a bullet barely misses him.

‘I’m good, Foxie, focus on yourself.’ His voice comes and I realise what I did.

Showed I care…..

I look away. He is holding his own very well against Gerard and the other wolves.

From the corner of my own eyes, I see backup arriving but there are far too many of the Sable’s men here and they have begun forming a circle around us, blocking off our backup.

“You can still choose us, Toussaint! Tonight, we will destroy this place and take over!” Gaultier snarls as he tries to back up, but we don’t let him go.

“That won’t happen,” I reply,

“Let’s end him,” Atticus says, his eyes cold.

‘Are you ok with this?’ I ask Sebastian.

I wonder if I should have even asked when I promised to end them already, but he is his. brother…

‘Why wouldn’t I be? End it.’ He replies, his voice emotionless and cold before he breaks through Gaultier’s barrier, tearing into Gerard.

I nod, although I know he can’t see, turning my attention back to Gaultier.

His eyes are filled with hatred, and I am certain that he is commanding his people. The way his eyes are darting all around, it’s almost as if he does not fear the predicament he’s in…

We can’t waste any more time.

I close my hand, feeling the force of our power tightening around him.

His eyes blaze and just as I raise my other hand, ready to put an end to him; the entire ground trembles beneath us before an explosion goes off and we’re thrown into the air, breaking our hold on one another.

“Zaia!” Atticus shouts.


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