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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 66

66. A Belief

ZAIA. It’s noon the following day and I haven’t seen Sebastian since last night. Every time I think of him, I end up all jittery again and I need to focus, not be lost on cloud nine!

I don’t know where we stand or what exactly we are right now, but one thing I will admit is that last night… I submitted and was ready to give him everything.

I don’t want to fight him anymore… it wasn’t about him winning points with me last night… Last night he took care of me; he spoiled me and then tucked me in to sleep before leaving. Sure, I know he enjoyed it too, but he didn’t get the release that I did.

Last night was all about me and although I know he didn’t do it so I owe him, I would happily return the favour. I mean, I want to.

I flip through the papers on the desk in front of me before I look across at Gaspard. “Everyone, and I mean from every single guard, I want the statements on video. Here.” I hold out a small box that contains a camera that will be discreet once hooked up.

“Alpha… are you concerned about the Luna’s integrity?” he asks, taking it from me. “Forgive me if I’m overstepping.”

I shake my head. I’m not about to share my thoughts, but I also need him to feel like I can trust him. I want to trust him, but I also need to be careful.

“After what we learned from the guards, I’m just concerned if this is how she treats our people, because then it’s a problem. No one should feel threatened by their leaders. That is not what a pack is about,” I reply, brushing my fingers through my hair. I’ve left it open but I’m regretting it now. I have run my hands through it countless times today.

He nods slowly. “I understand. Don’t worry, I will begin on my rounds, starting immediately. I will get you the answers, Alpha.” He lowers his head to me, and I smile slightly.

“Thank you,” I reply, scanning the list of guards who have already supplied a written statement-the ones from yesterday. There’s nothing that jumps off of the page. It just seems she demanded absolute obedience. “I have a suggestion, Alpha… if you wish to hear it,” Gaspard says hesitantly.

I look up, raising an eyebrow. “What is it?” “I think… I think you need to educate the people on the Blood Born, to let them know of your importance and the reminder of what you are and what you represent.” He says solemnly.

I nod slowly, and a flicker of unease rushes through me. I didn’t mention the Blood Born openly to him. I mean, aside from my get up….

So, he knows of the Blood Born….

Last night he mentioned his family was from France, and a little about respect, but he didn’t mention this. Was it a slip-up? Or does he actually know about the Blood Born and have nothing to hide?

“I think you’re right. People need to know. It’s a shame it took me many years to learn about who I am and what I am on this earth for… I wish I knew sooner… it’s nice to come across someone who knows about us.” I say, smiling smoothly, hoping that my reaction shows I am completely comfortable with it. His eyes meet mine, and he swallows.

So, he slipped up… I keep my face passive, acting completely relaxed as I continue to flip through the file. “I only have your best interest at heart, Alpha. I assure you that… I- I learned of the Blood Borns from my father.”

“I see, and is your father part of this pack?” I ask, glancing up. He looks down. “I’m afraid he passed long ago,” he answers quietly.

“Oh… I’m sorry about that.” I reply. ” What else do you know about the Blood Born? I wish I knew more. I feel like a failure.”

“I don’t know much, Alpha, but I believe you will deliver judgement to those who have lost faith in our goddess.” He says. Judgement… it sounds almost ominous

“Yes. I will… Oh, and what about the rogues? Have you looked into it?” I ask quietly. I’m unable to shake off his words, feeling extremely uneasy.

“I have already gotten the ball moving, Alpha. We will track down their locations and report back to you with our findings.”

I smile politely and nod. “Thank you, Gaspard.” He reciprocates the smile and lowers his head respectfully. “I won’t disappoint you, Alpha.”

“I know.”

He stands up, bowing his head once more before he leaves the office and I sit back. His behaviour was… strange. But perhaps by mentioning the Blood Born as he suggested would weed out those who know about it if I show them why I’m here.

If only there was something to show I believe in their cause. It’s clear they are clever… assuming that they are the ones behind these attacks.

Gaspard obviously had the same mentality as me, where he has faith in Selene and respect for those who channel their inner wolf. But is he more of a Sable or a Sublime believer? I want to know what others-

I sit forward suddenly, an idea coming to me, and my heart skips a beat. Fuck! This is it! To weed them out. What if I pretend to have the same mentality as them?

Even if that means acting a little extreme… forcing those who believe in the Sable Triquetra to think I am on their side! My heart thuds as I stand up quickly and rush to the office door.

“Gaspard!” I shout, seeing him round the corner. He stops and looks back.

“Alpha?” “There’s something else I want to ask,” I say quietly. He nods slowly and I smooth my hair back. What if he knows more. “Of course.” He walks back over to me, and I smile.

“I have to go with Alpha Sebastian to the Dark Hollow Falls Pack as we are together again… however, what you said about the Blood Born really hit something inside. I want the people to know the meaning behind us. Do you know anyone else who is as passionate about our goddess and her will as we are? Those who could back me and even teach me the right way?” I ask smoothly. I hope I don’t sound like a freak…

He smiles and seems to mull over what I said. “I can find out, but if you are to leave, then perhaps you can tell them prior to leaving?” He suggests solemnly. “Yes, I like that idea. I think I will.” I say. “I can’t wait. Thank you for listening, Alpha.”

I smile before he lowers his head and walks off and I turn back to my office, thinking of a plan. Tonight, under the moon… in the forest we will hold a gathering…


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