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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

William told Hope to finish the tea and the snacks. I will return soon with Logan,he said and walked away

Victoria glanced at Hope and said, It seems you don’t know about his lover.She was a bit suspicious of Logan’s relationship with Hope. She knew for the chairmanship, Logan married in such haste and brought his wife to the house

I think Logan never wanted to bring his past to his present,Hope answered, ensuring Victoria would not be suspicious about her relationship with Logan

I would have talked more with you, but I’ve an important event to attend, so I must leave, Victoria stood up. Seeing her, Hope also left the couch in respect, Finish the tea and snacks,Victoria said before walking away

Hope felt she was alone at a place of which she had no idea. She sat down, patiently waiting for Logan and Grandpa William to return. While doing so, she finished the served tea for her and even ate a few cookies

When they didn’t return, Hope thought to explore the house for some time and again stood up. She went a few meters ahead of the couch and wondered which direction to take

Still confused, she pivoted when her head bumped against something solid. Hope raised her head only to meet the gaze of a mysterious man before her. If Logan was the definition of a Greek God, the man before her wasn’t lesser either

It seems handsomeness runs in their blood, Hope thought

Who are you? Fred asked as he darted his eyes at her

Hope. Hope RavenHope Moore, Wife of Logan Moore,she introduced herself

Fred Moore,he also introduced himself and forwarded his hand to her. They had a friendly handshake. Why are you alone here? Where’s Logan?he pulled away his hand. as he wandered his eyes around

Logan left with Grandpa for some conservation,” Hope replied

Leaving his wife alone! That’s very rude of him, Fred muttered

Aunt Victoria was with me before she left for an important event,Hope said and told. Fred she would not disturb him anymore

Do you wish to tour around?Fred inquired her. Logan will have a long conversation with Grandpa,he stated


Chapter 12 



After touring the entire house, they were finally at the garden, which definitely was epitome of the beauty of this villa. The small water fountains made of marbles drew her attention quickly. The variety of flower beds could be seen around, causing the air to be filled with fresh scent of air

Hope never had the chance to walk with such freedom, so she used this opportunity. Her eyes darted on the magnolia flowers and she touched their petals. Fred followed her closely

What do you do, Hope?he asked

I am in my final year of the college,Hope answered

What? Why did you get married when you’ve not finished your college?Fred confusedly glanced at her

UmmBecause Logan and I thought it was the perfect time to get married.” Hope had no idea if her response made any sense or not

Does Logan love you?Fred squinted his eyes in suspicion

Yes, he does, Hope lied

Strange!Fred muttered. The cool breeze blew and the flowers on the trees cascaded down, one among them on Hope’s head

Fred noticed it and picked up the flower from her head. It was on your head,” he said. with a smile. Hope smiled back and took the flower from her

Logan, who just came to the garden after knowing from the butler about Hope’s whereabouts witnessed that sight

Why is she smiling with him?Logan mumbled as he twitched his l*ps in anger. It surged when Fred brushed Hope’s hair from her forehead and he ended up screaming Hope’s name


Hearing her name in such a loud voice, she turned and saw Logan. He didn’t look in at good mood. But why? Soon/Logan approached them and grasped Hope’s hand to take 

her away

Fred asked Logan to stop, but he didn’t listen to him. Hope waved her hand at Fred while being dragged away by Logan

As they reached at some part of the villa, Logan let go of Hope’s hand. Why did you 


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Chapter 12 

shout my name? Also, Fred wanted to talk to you. Why do you have to run away like this?She questioned while caressing her wrist


You cannot smile in front of other men. Don’t you get it? Also, why did you allow him. to touch you?Logan’s jaw clenched in annoyance


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