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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134 

I can’t locate Hope!Ryan informed Henry upon his return to the parking lot

But you just left her here,Henry exclaimed. She must be nearby.He pulled out his phone and attempted to call Hope, but it went straight to voicemail

Clifton arrived, breathless, and revealed that he couldn’t find Hope on the northern side of the hospital. You guys didn’t see her either?he asked with a growing concern

Nope! Maybe she went home,Ryan suggested

One of us should check there. I’ll head there, and you two search other places, like Logan’s parentsmansion,Henry decided, taking charge of the situation

I’ll check there, Clifton volunteered as his phone began to ring. It was Paul calling. Clifton answered and informed him of their inability to locate Hope

Where are you guys?Paul asked urgently from the other end, his voice strained from running. I’ve spotted you all.With that, he abruptly ended the call, leaving Clifton to turn and gaze in his direction

Ryan and Henry turned their attention in Paul’s direction as he finally approached them, coming to a stop

Hope’s nowhere to be found. But why? I thought she wasn’t a fast runner, being an omega,Paul mused aloud

Well, wherever she is, she’s not here,Ryan remarked, his tone tinged with concern

Logan has gone mad. He actually believed Olivia’s shit! She has trapped him. Hope told me that Olivia is a sorceress,Henry cussed under his breath in a faint voice, thinking how foolish he was to trust on Olivia. He should be the first one to tell Logan about her return, but he was blinded by greed and love

Both Paul and Clifton were surprised to see this side of Henry. They never thought Henry cared this much for Logan and Hope

Paul contemplated informing them about Logan’s plans, but he remembered Logan’s desire to get rid of Olivia himself. Concerned that disclosing the plan might jeopardize its success, Paul chose to keep this information to himself, opting not to share it with those three


Emergency calls onlyO 

Chapter 134 

Let’s search for Hope first,Henry agreed, pulling out his phone to book a cab

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Yeah, but I think one of us should stay close to Olivia and Logan as well. What if Olivia tries to harm Logan? Clifton voiced his concern, raising a valid point

No. That is not needed anymore. Olivia won’t do anything to Logan given the condition it’s a hospital. Hope has the moonstone, so her safety is of prime concern now,Henry explained to all of them

How do you know?Paul and Ryan asked at the same time

Hope told me. Now, let’s separate and find her,Henry said and walked away, followed by the others

You don’t have to cut the fruits,Logan said, looking at Olivia

Why? You used to love this,Olivia replied and she presented the plate with sliced apples in front of him

Logan picked up a slice and moved it close to Olivia’s mouth. You should eat the first one,he said, wearing a fake smile on his face.. 

[I feel like plunging this knife deep in her heart. Logan, let’s take her heart out. Because of her, Hope got hurt,] Leo, the Lycan, told Logan

[I wish I could mind link with Hope. But I doubt that Olivia will find out. She is a werewolf but also hold the power of sorceress,] Logan said in his mind. (We cannot kill her until we find out what she truly is!

[You are right. I cannot stand this woman. Logan, how could we be in love with such a bitch?] Leo muttered, growling in anger

[I’ve no idea, Leo. How could I be so dumb to love Olivia? We need to find out as soon as possible that why she planned her accident and what she wants from me?] Logan told Leo

[We cannot directly ask her,] Leo whispered

[No. Olivia is clever. She may get suspicious of us and we cannot take any risk, Leo,] Logan clarified to him

What are you thinking? Is it about Hope?Olivia’s questions brought a halt of communication between Logan and his Lycan, Leo


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Emergency calls onlyDOR 

Chapter 134 

I missed you, Olivia. I’m thinking of the time when we were together,Logan stated



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