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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 450

Chapter 450 

It’s nothing. I heard it wrongly.” 

She walked to the side and continued the phone conversation with William

Tell me everything.” 

He responded, I’m not talking about you, Bonnie. Someone is out to kill your other identity, Ms. Bonita.Her face grew grim immediately. After all, this was a serious matter. She couldn’t afford to take it lightly

Do you know who put up the quest?” 

1 don’t have the specifics yet, but there’s one thing I’m sure ofthey’re not from Arvandor.” 

She started to analyze the situation

If someone’s after Bonita’s life, that means the latest nanomaterial I developed recently has threatened them. It could be Auguste Ludovici. He has the same prestigious standing in the world of scientific 

research as I do

He has been the most prestigious figure in the field before my arrival. As far as he was concerned, I dethroned him and took his place

Moreover, the latest nanomaterial I developed has all but solidified my standing. I still remember when I first met him. He might’ve been exceptionally talented in the field, but he was so petty and spiteful that he couldn’t share the glory with anyone.” 

You have to listen to me and stay safe, Bonnie. I’ve told Jim about this and asked him to ensure no harm) comes to you. Hey, how about I send Jacques to protect you too?William asked

Don’t do that. You’re just giving away my identity to them if you send Jacques to my 


You have a point. Well, what are you going to do? You can always hole up in the SR League. You’ll be safer here than anywhere else.” 

I appreciate it, but that’s not what I want to do. First of all, I don’t want to leave my nation. I also don’t know who’s coming after me or when they’ll do it. If I go into hiding, I will lose my freedom.” 

Before he could say anything, she added, Alright. I appreciate that you’re concerned about me, but I handle myself. Also, are you forgetting that I have Jim watching over me?” 

Talking about Jim made her have a headache at once

Now that he knows about this, he won’t remain calm. I just know he will ignore my orders to keep his 

distance from me.‘ 

“I see you’re back at the village too, Bonnie.Jim feigned surprise and walked toward her

She held her forehead, trying to rub her headache away. Speak of the devil.” 

Gee. You’re here, too, Ivor.” 


Chapte 450

The man in question stared at Jim

What are you doing here?” 

A relative of mine stays here. I decided to drop by and visit her. Bonnie knows about this too. Why? Didn’t she tell you about it?Just like that, he threw the ball into Bonnie’s court

She gave him a frustrated look before she faced Ivor and started explaining. It’s true. He did have


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