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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 469

Terry took the stage as the contestants looked at him, each sitting on the edge of their seats. He said, “I shall announce the winner of the Scientific Research Competition!”

Trina was so nervous that her nails dug into her palms. Even Toby balled his fists and stared at the professor unblinkingly.

“Congratulations, Toby Davis!”

Toby was on cloud nine while the others were disappointed. The former did his best to contain his excitement as he ascended the stage and accepted his certificate. On the other hand, Trina turned ashen as she fell into deep thought.

‘It’s over. My grand plot for revenge has ended before it could even start. I won’t get another shot as easy as this one to make something of myself.’

The host passed a microphone to Toby, who asked, “If I may, Professor Terry, when can I start my internship in the research institute?”

“We must still prioritize your studies here, young man. So, you’ll have to come in every weekend.”

“All right, that’s great!”

Toby thought deeply, ‘Today’s Wednesday so I can enter the place of my dreams three days from now. I’ll finally meet Ms. Bonita, the pillar of the world of scientific research! I have to call my parents and tell them the good news.’

Trina left the venue, looking like a lost soul as she returned home.

“What are you doing home so soon, sweety? Did the competition end? Did you win?” Vera bombarded her daughter with questions.

However, Trina simply hung her head and gritted her teeth.


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