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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 496

"Alright, Grandpa,"

Sigmund said firmly, "Hand Sienna over to me. I’ll make her kneel before Bonnie and slap herself a thousand times. With each slap, she must say, 'I was wrong and deserve to be punished.'"

Leo's eyes nearly popped out in rage at hearing this.

"Old man, how dare you humiliate my granddaughter like this?! You used to be reasonable. It's clear that Bonnie was wrong in this matter, yet you're protecting her and humiliating Sienna. This is intolerable!"

"You're unwilling? Fine, listen up. The Knight family will cut off all ties with the McLeods!"

"What? Y-You're willing to ruin the relationship between our families for an outsider? You’re taking things too far!"

Leo couldn't believe that Sigmund would say such words.

"Not only that, our two families will be enemies from now on. We won’t rest until your granddaughter publicly apologizes to Bonnie!"

Leo was stunned, and so were the members of the McLeod family present.

Roy McLeod, Leo's brother, stepped out of the crowd.

"Leo, please calm down. Don't make such a big deal of this matter involving the younger generation. As I see it, there's no evidence to determine who's right or wrong. Both sides of the younger generation have their own stories, but no concrete evidence."

"Yeah, what Roy said makes sense," Theo, their other brother, chimed in.

"We should calm down and investigate the truth ourselves. Once we find out, the one who's wrong should apologize. How about that?"


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