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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 783

At the next moment, a fight broke out in the alley.

Bonnie stood behind Jim and watched the whole thing, counting down the time. In less than a minute, he wiped the floor with the yellow-haired thugs.


Endless cries rose in the air as the thugs slumped onto the floor. They couldn’t even get up, even if they wanted to.

‘T-That guy’s simply too strong. We’re no match for him at all!’

‘He’s terrifyingly powerful.’

Once he was done incapacitating the thugs, Jim walked over to Bonnie and asked her, “How should I deal with them?”

She pondered it for a while and said, “Send them to the nearest police department and interrogate them.”

He frowned, his stoic face revealed a hint of bewilderment. “Judging by the way they fought, they were just common thugs. Is there a need to take them to the police department at all?”

She swept a cold gaze across them and lowered her voice. “I think they showed up at too convenient a time. I can’t explain it, but something feels off. So, we should interrogate them a little.”

He didn’t have qualms about that. “Alright.”

Pulling out his phone, he called the police.

Several minutes later, the cops arrived to take the thugs away and put them behind bars.

Just as she was about to get in the car, she sensed something and glanced at the corner of the alley.


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