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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 432

Although I loved being in R Province, I should never affect Summer’s future.

With a buzzing sound in my head, I lay on the bed, unable to fall asleep. Overthinking things was giving me insomnia.

I got up for a glass of water and admired the gorgeous moonlight.

Standing in front of the window looking out at the scenery, I was lost in my thoughts. This journey of life seems too long. It’s not easy to live from day to day peacefully.

The next day, as much as he was unwilling to, a few phone calls forced Ashton to leave.

“I’ll be back as soon as I settle the matters in K City.” His gaze mesmerized me. Why is this man always so charming?

I nodded. “Take care and drive safe!”

Without saying goodbye, I sent him off.

As his car sped off, I went back to the yard and fetched my phone. The notification caught my eyes.

Death at Fuller Corporation’s construction site four years ago. Family of the deceased child hasn’t received any compensation after three years of postponement.

It was difficult to ignore the leading headline.

Four years ago?

Death of a child?

I recalled reading the news back then, but had no idea how Ashton eventually settled the matter.

It has resurfaced again. It’s apparent that someone is trying to find fault.

Could it be Jared or the Moore family?

I stopped thinking about it since it had nothing to do with me.

In the absence of Ashton, both Summer and I returned to our tranquil life.

At the hotel, rumors about Colin and me had been brewing. Some even had the impression that we lived under one roof.

I did not mind it since it was untrue. If I did, it would only add to my worries. Thankfully for the relationship I had with Louis, most staff did not portray any malice or hostility.

Some wanted to butter me up. Then again, with a personality like mine, it was hard for people to get close to me.

It was payday in mid-August.

Colin passed me the pay slip and said, “You should treat me a meal.”

Looking at my salary which had doubled, I agreed. “Anything you want to eat? My treat.”


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