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Kidnapped by my mate (Belle and Grayson) novel Chapter 61


I wracked my brain, trying to come up with a command to give Kyle

I needed to test, to see if I had the power of the Mortars. But how exactly was I supposed to go about doing that? I couldn’t keep from asking myself what the hell I was doing. No way could I be the person from this prophecy

They thought I was meant to become the next king of all mythical creatures, the most powerful ruler out there. They thought I could restore peace between werewolves and vampires and stop a war that had been going on for centuries

Was that possible

My wolf loved the idea; in my mind he was puffing out his chest in pride, communicating to me that he thought we were more than capable of ruling. He also thought that Belle would make an 

amazing queen. He liked the idea of her ruling by our side for the rest of eternity, having power, never dying

A part of me, which one? Couldn’t help but agree, not only with the fact that Belle would make an amazing queen but that we had the capacity to become king

I had known ever since I was young that I was meant to lead, not because of ego but because I just knew it was what I had to do. I had known I would make a good alpha and had proven it over the years. But even after I had fought my old alpha to death and won, taking on the role myself, I hadn’t been satisfied

I had wanted more

My wolf had kept telling me we were meant to lead thousands. Something was missing, he had insisted. Could this be what he’d meant? I sighed. Now was the time to find out

Quack like a duck,I told Kyle completely seriously

Deep down, I hoped nothing would- happen. If nothing happened, life would be a whole lot less complicated. It would mean things could go back to normal and I could eventually forget these last few horrible months

But I already knew that was false hope. Because even deeper down, I knew Casimir was right. The moment I opened my mouth I felt my newfound vampire surge forward to the front of my consciousness, pushing against the inside of my skull

A tingly feeling traveled through me, forcing me to suck in a quick breath

Then, like a wave of energy, I felt the command travel from me and wrap around Kyle like a blanket. His eyes turned red, and then, just like a duck, he began to quack

Quack,he said, quack, quack.” 

I stared in shock

I had done it. I had used the power of the 


After a moment, Minnie laughed from behind me. And then Zagan, and then 


The humor of the situation hit me as Kyle continued to quack with a dark scowl on 

his face

Can Iquackpleasequackstop 


He obviously wasn’t finding this nearly as amusing as the rest of us

I enjoyed watching an extremely large and intimidating werewolf quack and pout like a child. But I finally waved a hand

Okay, okay, you can stop.” 

Just as before, the command traveled from me and made Kyle stop immediately

Really,he complained, a duck? You couldn’t have made me do something cool, like jump fifty feet in the air or something?” 

I shrugged. Only thing I could think of.” 

Kyle huffed and rolled his eyes. Right, because that’s the first thing everyone thinks of. Not turn around or say hi or something normal. No, you had to choose quack like a duck.” 

I could only shrug again, joining in on the otherslaughter

After a moment, the lightheartedness vanished and the room suddenly became much more serious. I had given a command using the power of the Mortars

Which could only mean… 

So it’s true, then,I said, looking at Casimir. The prophecy is about me.” 

Casimir looked at his father with a worried expression before looking back at me and nodding slowly

Yes,he whispered, distress evident in his tone. You’re the new king of all creatures. The throne is yours.” 

My gaze snapped to Zagan

Just like that? You’re giving up your title and the throne without any sort of fight?” 

Zagan’s bright red eyes searched mine for a moment, his thick black brows coming together in thought. He didn’t look upset or threatened like I expected. He just looked pensive

After a moment, he spoke, Ever since Casimir found that scroll all those years ago, I’ve been waiting for this moment. Readying myself for when another would 

come and take the throne from me.His eyes assessed me darkly. If it had to be anyone, I can say with sincerity that I’m glad it’s you. You will be a worthy and fair ruler. I have no doubt in my mind that your throne will be one of dignity and strength.” 

This all seemed so sudden

And his confidence in me did not make it 

less daunting

Wait a second,Kyle broke in, You’re telling me Alpha Grayson is king now? Like, with a palace and everything?” 

We all had those same questions

What about the pack? What about the luna?he said

Belle’s beautiful face flashed in my mind, making my entire b*dy stiffen painfully

My wolf growled, pushing me to shift, to go find our mate. He kept repeating that 

she needed us, over and over again, as if I weren’t very aware of the fact

I gritted my teeth, forcing him to the back of my consciousness so I could 


None of this needs to be decided now,Zagan said. You will have time. All the time in the world, in factKing Grayson.” 

I sucked in a deep breath as realization hit. My brain was going into overdrive, words running through it like a broken record. King. Immortality. Prophecy. Hybrid. Fairy. Powers

How the hell was I supposed to respond 

to all of this

How was Belle going to feel

Thankfully, I didn’t have to think about it for too long

A sudden pressure filled my head

causing me to stumble backward. I clutched at my head as the pressure increased to the point of throbbing

It wasn’t painful, but it sure as hell was annoying and invasive

I groaned, shutting my eyes. What the hell was happening

Alpha,came Kyle’s voice, Are you okay?” 

II stoppedspeaking only made it 


The pressure was becoming more unbearable with every passing second

I could no longer say it wasn’t painful; it felt like a migraine was splitting my skull 

in half

Alpha Grayson,I heard Minnie say

I opened my eyes to see her concerned face right in front of me. She reached out, 

face right in front of me. She reached out, placing her small hand on my arm

What’s wrong?she said

I shook my head. The pain was starting to make me panic. I had never felt anything 

like this

Open your mind,Zagan suddenly said, and stop resisting.” 

My head swerved toward him. What the hell are you talking about?I barely got 


It’s Azazel,” Zagan said as he shook his head. I was afraid of this. Something’s happened with Azazel. You have to let 

him in.” 

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but the thought of Azazel trying to get into my mind, into any part of me again made me fume

F**k that

Rage poured from my insides over the fact that he would even suggest I let 

Azazel in after all he had done. I braced 

myself against the wall, starting to lose my balance

That f**ker is going nowhere near my mind. He’ll never control me again

As if reading the thoughts I didn’t have the strength to say aloud, Zagan reassured 

  1. me

Azazel couldn’t take control of you again even if he tried. That isn’t what’s happening. He’s not trying to take over your b*dy.” 

My chest rose and fell with each ragged 


Then what the f**k is happening?I groaned

No time to explain,Zagan said, obvious worry in his tone. I promise you

nothing bad will happen if you let him into your mind. In fact, it will probably aid in the war to come. Azazel is likely 

not even aware that he is projecting onto you right now.” 

None of what he was saying made sense. I let out a growl. The pain in my mind made my head feel like it was going to explode

Just do it!exclaimed Minnie. Whatever it is, you can handle it.” 

I looked at her. She was right. As much as I wanted to deny Azazel all access to my thoughts, I could break him like a toothpick now that his commands didn’t work on me

I nodded, my wolf and vampire both present in my consciousness, ready to attack if they needed to. Slowly, I stopped restricting the pressure in my head and let it do as it wished

It was a strange feeling, as if the pressure turned from pain to energy in a matter of seconds

Then it traveled through every inch of my brain and took over my thoughts, replacing them with the thoughts of 

someone else


I was no longer standing in my bedroom but in a forest clearing, surrounded by hundreds of young vampires

I sucked in a breath. My heart rate picked up as I realized this was the army I would be fighting tomorrow. They were a rowdy group, hissing and moving about as if none of them was able to stay still longer 

than a few seconds

They didn’t look at me; their gazes were focused to my left

I turned to look, already knowing who to 



The time has come,Azazel spoke loudly, addressing the newborn vampires. I know you will all make me proud.” 

He was at the end of a speech meant to invigorate his clan


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