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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 249

Chapter 249 is full of sarcasm 

The shaking of the glass stopped, and after two seconds Uriah put down his glass, stood up, looked at her, and said, “Get out.” 

He is tall, so stand up like a mountain on her head, black 


But Alva wasn’t afraid. On the contrary, she was calmer. 

“You think I want to be here?” 

“To tell you the truth, Uriah, if you hadn’t taken my mother away, I wouldn’t have been in your presence.” 

For a moment, the air was tight. 

A frost crept into Uriah’s dark eyes. “For the last time, get out.” 

Alva curved her lips. “Where’s my mom?” 

As the words fell, Uriah’s pupils contracted. 

The next moment, Alva felt a pain in her wrist, and before she knew it, Uriah had pinched her wrist, opened the door, and thrown her out. 

Alva fell to the ground and landed with a thud in her ear. 

She looked up and the door closed in front of her. 


*t it and 

OK, Uriah are you angry now? 

What can I do? 

You brought this on yourself 

Alva stood up and knocked on the door “Unah what are you doing You told me to break up with lackson said would and we did. But when you saw 


walking together you got 

“What do you want me to do to let me go? 

“Or have you never thought to let me go and have kept me a your Uriah’s property, and have done as you please” 

Click! The door opens 

But not Unah’s door, but the door next door 

Alva turned around and looked at York coming over be e tips “York, you are just in time, please let your boss train open the door negotiate, don’t talk, how to solve 

She smiled, but it was all sarcasti 

York stopped in front of her “Was Gellar, go back, it’s too 

“Go back? How can I go back, if your sock mother is taken your Boss train, you don’t know where to ga? 

York locked at her. “Sorry, i can’t answer 


Chapter 249 full of sarcasm 

Alva nodded, “That’s okay. Ask your Boss Irwin to open the door and let him answer me.” 

“Miss Gellar, you’d better go back.” 

“And if I don’t?” 

“Then I’ll have to call security.” 

Alva dug her nails into her palms, looked at York, and after a minute nodded, “Well, his Boss Irwin promises are as 

changeable as the weather, so my promises are the same as Boss Irwin’s.” 

Alva picks up her cell phone and dials Jackson’s number in front of York. 

Then put the speaker on. 

Soon Jackson’s voice said, “Alva, is everything all right?” 

“Sorry, I didn’t deal with it, but I just thought of something and had to talk to you first.” 

“Okay, you say it.” 

“Do you still have the hukou book?” 


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