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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 

Chapter 95 

Summer Frost POV 

Once he walked inside my room, he dropped me carefully on the bed

I’ll be back,I watched as he walked out of the room, and a smile formed on my lips

He came back shortly with a balm, then squatted in front of me while holding my leg gently

It’s going to hurt a bit,He looked up at me briefly, and when I nodded for him to go ahead, he took his attention back to my leg

My heart palpitated in my chest as I watched him gently rub the balm on my leg. The way he massaged it gave me this sensation. This chills

this amazing sparks I could not explain

I bit my lip hard, trying to suppress the moan that was trying to force itself off my lips because it was going to be embarrassing if it should get 

out of me

He was finally done, then he looked at me and smiled

Does it hurt that much?” 

I shook my head as I gazed into his eyes, unable to say something 

Silence crept into the atmosphere and it became tense as we stared at eachother

Kiss him!My mind kept screaming and I could not deny the fact that I wanted that, and probably something more than that, but I could not 

bring myself to initiate it

There is nothing wrong it. You love himMy subconscious mind would always look for ways to ridicule me, and it didn’t fail to do its job this 

time also, but I didn’t give in

SummerHis voice came out breathlessly as he slowly reached for my face and cupped my cheek in his palm

I’m trying to control it, butHe paused and sucked in a sharp breath as he bit his lip. It’s hard toI’m going to do something bad. I hope you will forgive me later,” He barely finished his statement before he pulled me close and claimed my lips

My heart lip up in excitement as I’ve always wanted this, and it was just like a dream come true for me

My grip on the bed tightened as I reciprocated the kiss. I wanted to sink my fingers into his hair and pull him in for more, but it was taking my all my selfrestraint and respect not to do that. I didn’t want to look desperate

1 failed to hold my composure when he slid his tongue inside my mouth and bit my lip, forcing me to give in as my hands found their way to his hair, and I pulled him in for more

I literally heard the sound of my heart beating, the presence of butterflies in my stomach, and of course the rush of adrenaline. It was a magical feeling, and this time, I didn’t try to stop myself. I wanted more than the kiss, and I wasn’t going to hold back anymore if the feeling was mutual

12:18 Mon, 1 Jul ti 

Chapter 95 

He pulled away

ay from me once we were both breathless, and as his eyes gazed into mine, all I saw was desire. This was the same look he would give me years ago whenever he wanted me badly, and I could not deny the excitement that I still had that effect on him


Can I, please? I want you, SummerI really do want you,He reached for my face and gently tucked the strands of hair on my face, behind my ear as his eyes pierced into mine like he wanted to see through my soul. 

I’m sorryI really can’t control it anymore. I’m trying to hold back, but it’s not working,His voice came out huskily and desperately

A kiss from me was the only approval he needed to crawl up the bed to me

My heart skipped when I felt his erected dick poking me as he got on top of me. Xander had pretty huge dick down there, and I was a bit scared since it had been years I last did this

He pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes. Though he tried to hide his excitement, but I guess it was too overwhelming that he could not hide it. He looked like he was the happiest man on earth

Are you sure about this?Though it was written all over him that he could not control this feeling anymore, he still asked me, regardless

If you are not, I will fight itI won’t force you, I promise,His voice came out in a whisper, but I crooked my neck forward and pecked his lips as I gave him a smile

Hmm,That was the only approval Xander needed as he buried his face in my neck and kissed the nape of it. With his warm hand exploring my body, his lips igniting the invisible fire inside me, I could not help but moan softly

Fuck!Came a loud curse from me when he kissed my hard nipple through the nightie I was wearing. I sank my fingers into my hair and grabbed a handful of it for support, with my head pressed hard against the pillow as I shut my eyes tightly

He trailed kisses down my stomach as he slid his hand under my dress, and fondled with my boob, not forgetting to pinch my nipple while sucking one through my garment

Fuck it, Xander!I cursed and bit my lip when he bit my nipple hard. It was supposed to be painful, but the only thing I felt was pleasure. I wanted him to bite it even harder till it was bleeding

Don’t be crazy, SummerI scolded myself mentally

1 grabbed the bedspread swiftly when I felt his hand crawling up my thighs until it got to the area between my legs, and as his fingers grazed my wet pussy through my pantie, another level of craziness was unlocked in me

d his fi 

I gasped for breath as he gently rubbed his finger against my pussy. It was slow but intense and gave me the best feeling I could ever ask for

I cried out in pleasure as he trailed kisses down my belly button till he got to my abdomen. My cheeks flushed when I slowly opened my eyes and found him gazing at my pussy like a kitten admiring its meal before devouring it

My heart missed a beat when he leaned close and kissed my pussy

I missed you,I swear I heard those words from him, and it somehow felt good


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