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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 103

When it's time to leave, the kids gave him a kiss on the cheek before running towards the car.

They didn't want to go but Matteo has to persuade them that he's coming over to pick them up. I turn to walk away when his voice stops me in mid way.

"Why can't we start over?" he said but I was just standing there not replying or turn back to him.

"Can we start over please?" he repeated himself and I was just too dumb to move my legs.

"Why couldn't we do that Addasah?" I felt him behind me his breath warming my neck then his hands snaking around my waist.

He took a deep breath as if he was sniffling my scent. It has been so long since I could feel his warmth and comforting hands on my skin. This is something I knew I miss throughout the years, the feeling of him near me.

I might be so happy right now but I have to admit that my heart is not fully free from him.

Our nights and beautiful moments together are memories that I always cherish forever in my heart.

Him touching me right now ignite the fire and spur up those feelings I have never felt fir anyone. I may have try but in the end it is not what I always want.

I felt his head lay on my shoulder as he shudder then I felt something wetting my bare skin. His tears were slowly dropping on my exposed shoulder

"I want to be in their lives, to start over with them," he said squeezeing my waist lightly.

I gasp with moans escaping my lips but I zip my lips together quickly. I was to respond that nothing is holding him back from seeing his sons but his next words twist the key to my heart.

"But I can't start over with them if you're not in it. Please amore. I want all of my family together completely," he whisper with his hold tighten around my waist.

He is not hurting me but it is an embrace of someone who is desperate for another chance. It really do sound like someone who needs saving.

I think he definitely need it as seeing him in such dishevelled state tells it all but I am not sure if I'm the one who he needs.

My eyes started to water, and I tried to not be weak in front of him but I guess 5 years wasn't enough for me.

As my heart still aches for all of him too.

The key that has been locking my heart has slowly twist and turns until it's completely unlocked.

'Am I being too selfish' I always ask that to Alera and myself for all those years.

"I can't Matteo, you know we can't anymore" I took away his hands from my waist and turn to face him which is probably a mistake that I don't think I will regret.

"Addasah, please I let you slip out of my hands five years. Five years we've been apart. Why can't we be together then please. Let's start over, not just us together but with our kids too," he begs with his eyes filled with tears that were about to fall.2

I reach up and caress his face with my hand in which he leans towards my touch. Maybe I am too stupid to do this but I think our kids is now our priority.

We cannot be selfish anymore "I am happy Matteo, I really am," he slowly opens his eyes.

I was taking my time in deciding what I want to do next and I know what I'm going to say to him now determines not just my happiness but also my kids happiness.

"but we're not all happy without you. Then I say we will start over," his tears flow from his eyes and I wipe them off.1

They said a big person with a bigger heart will not only forgive but forget and move forward and that's exactly what I want.

I may be truly happy right now but there were times I find myself lonely without him cause he gave me happiness when I have no memories of our past.

Epilogue 1


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