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Little Cute Wife novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Found You Finally

But she didn't have any choice, and she didn't want Jason to be more curious about who his father was as he grew up.

Besides, she could never answer that question.

She didn't know who he was either!

She was a loser, wasn't she?

Matthew looked up at Jessica with his round and bright eyes.

He could feel that she wasn't lying to him from her face.

Therefore, he didn't keep asking her.

But Matthew sympathized with Jason in his misfortune. Matthew didn't have a mom, and Jason didn't have a dad.

"Jason, what's wrong? You keep asking me some weird questions recently." Jessica held him and went inside the room and tucked him into his bed. "Stop thinking of too much. Have a good dream, OK? Good night, my boy."

Then she kissed him gently on his forehead and smiled at him.

"Mommy…" Matthew grabbed Jessica's hand before she left.

"What's up, Sweetie?"

He said very carefully, "I heard from the classmates that there is a stationery store at No. 189, Queen Road, could you buy me a box of crayons from there? I need to use them tomorrow."

"Crayons?" Jessica felt Jason was a bit different and strange these days, but she couldn't tell why. She didn't doubt it since he was her son. Jessica nodded and said, "OK, I will buy you one box of crayons."

Matthew felt at ease and went to bed…

Jessica went out.

How could she find him out at the midnight?

Louis was such a troublemaker!

Jessica reached out her hand and stopped a taxi.

She asked the taxi driver drove around the city. Jessica sat in the car and kept looking around from the window.

When she saw any drunkards or beggars, she wished he would be Louis Carter.

But what a pity, it was impossible! How could he, a clean freak from a wealthy family crouched on the pavement at midnight?

The car slowed down after a while.

"Miss, the Queen Road is ahead, and there are too many cards there, I can't get there. Do you want to go somewhere else?"

"The Queen Road?" Jessica remembered what her son told her and she answered, "No, thanks. You can drop me off here."

Jessica got out of the car.

She was standing at the intersection of the Queen Road.

The neon lamps were so bright and shiny.

But she didn't expect that it would be so bustling in the Queen Road.


Night clubs?


Massage Centers?


Jessica was shocked when she read the words on the boards of the stores.

On the both sides of the streets were full of cars.

Jessica felt it weird that there was no stationary store at all.

And she suddenly realized that it was at the midnight now. No stationary would open that late.

But she thought it weirder.

She went along the Queen Road, and she passed No. 36… No. 78 and the she saw No. 136…

Jessica stopped in front of a building with a red and green board.

She could read a few words from it: The Fire Night Club.

And she noticed that the address was No. 189, Queen Road!

What made her feel the most shocked was that there was a black car under the board!

The license plate number was: AXXXXX.

She would never forget the car which she used it as her mirror that night!

It was Louis Carter's car!

What the hell!

She was in a rage.

His dad was looking for him and even a girl name Joyce who she didn't whether she was in a good or bad condition was in the hospital, but he, a son of bitch was having fun in the night club!

Jessica was livid and she rushed inside the night club.

The Fire Night Club, in the VIP box.

The smell of alcohol filled in the air.

Louis was sitting in the sofa silently and he was drinking wines.

"Louis, stop drinking. It was so late at night. You should go back home." The one who was talking to Louis was Harry Shaw who was so drunk and said in a lazy voice.

If it was said that the Carters were the most proud glory of Chicago, then the Shawn was the family that the people in Chicago would fear of the most.

If it was said that Louis Carter was red-blooded generation of the politicians and the rich, then Harry Shaw would be the generation of criminal syndicate.

Louis and Harry were the same. They were the second oldest in their family.

But they liked each other so that they became friends.

Seeing Louis didn't answer, Harry couldn't help shouting at him, "I feel it OK to accompany you and drink wines with you if you are dumped. But it is impossible that you would be dumped by any girls! What do you keep drinking?"

Louis peeked at Harry with his hollow and dark eyes.

But he didn't say anything and kept buttoning up his wine.

However, Harry's heart ached for him.

"Enough, Louis, I beg you, OK? Don't button up my Lafitte. I spend a lot to get it…" Harry's heart ached for his Lafitte.

Louis saw his face and he gave him a scornful hiss, "you can get a box of Laffite in my warehouse!"


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