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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Make a False Countercharge

Anastasia glanced at him contemptuously, then turned and walked past him, and left.

How could she like Christian?

She was stupid.

Kevin stood by the car and waited. When he saw her coming, he quickly opened the rear door.

"Ms. Graves, please."

Anastasia glanced at his face, seeing there were bruises and blood on the corner of his mouth, and got into the car.

In the car.

Anastasia said, "Kevin, take a day off tomorrow and go to the hospital for a check-up. I will pay for it."

Kevin smiled.

"Ms. Graves, you don't have to worry about me. The swelling will reduce tomorrow after I cold compress it.

"I was careless. Mr. Derek Graves reminded me before not to let Mr. Patterson get close to you. I will be more careful in the future."

Anastasia smiled. Hearing what he said, she felt a lot more at ease.

After waking up the next day, the rumor went viral on the Internet.

[Beatrice encountered the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry and was almost bullied!]

[As soon as she was signed by the company, she was asked to accompany others for a drink. What about the dignity of a newcomer in the entertainment industry?]

[It's not a day or two for these unspoken rules to exist in Starlight Entertainment.]


The photos exposed on the Internet were the scene of Beatrice pouring the drink on Patrick in a private room.

It made Patrick look so obscene, but Beatrice looked brave and fearless.

The comment area below went crazy, and everyone was condemning the unspoken rules in the industry. They were also distressed and supported this warrior Beatrice.

Starlight Entertainment was trending.

The stock of Starlight Entertainment fell again and again, and Anastasia's phone was about to explode.

Kevin got through her phone.

"Ms. Graves, I'm downstairs at your house right now. Mr. Quinn was blocked by reporters and couldn't get out. In a fit of anger, he had a heart attack and was hospitalized. Now the company is in chaos."

Anastasia frowned. "I see. I'm coming right away."

She simply changed her clothes, took her bag and went downstairs.


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