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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 257

Chapter 257 Dodgy Moral Compass

Amanda was startled and fixed her gaze on Jane, whose eyes were slightly red. Jane took a deep breath before turning to Derek.

"Ms. Graves was kidnapped by Zachary and accidentally fell into the sea. Jaxon dove in to save her, but Mr. Patterson's crew searched for two days straight and came up empty-handed. Things aren't looking good," Jane explained.

Amanda's expression underwent a sudden and dramatic change. She staggered backward, almost losing her balance.

Derek quickly reached out and steadied her, his gaze narrowing as he focused on Jane.

"Kidnapped by Zachary?" he asked.

Jane nodded, tears spilling from her eyes.

"Zachary, realizing he was in trouble, tried to use me as a hostage. But he met his own karma and accidentally fell into the sea."

A heavy silence fell over the room.

Amanda's expression turned ashen.

She had always been skeptical of rumors and gossip, but hearing the news firsthand made her gasp with profound sorrow.

Jane stood there, softly sobbing in grief.

"Mr. Derek Graves, please take care. Mr. Patterson hasn't winked since he started looking into Ms. Graves' situation. It's taken a heavy toll on him, and now he's unconscious. We're all devastated, really."

Lamia, who stood nearby, walked over and patted Jane's shoulder.

"You're a good kid. Keeping you by Christian's side was the right decision. This time, Christian narrowly avoided a disaster, and it's all thanks to you!"

Lamia had heard it all. If it weren't for Jane grabbing Christian in time, he might have ended up in the sea, too.

Lamia was left feeling anxious and disoriented by her own thoughts. Anastasia, even in death, couldn't rest in peace. Had she tried to drag her son into her demise?

Lamia smiled and sighed, "Once Christian regains consciousness, I'll step in and ensure you two get engaged without delay. I'm quite happy with you as my future daughter-in-law."

Jane's eyes sparkled with excitement as she grabbed Lamia's arm.

Amanda, her expression ashen, had no interest in witnessing their triumphant expressions.

She nervously made her way to the door.

Amanda, who was usually poised and elegant, suddenly looked fragile.

Lamia caught up to her and offered some well-intentioned advice. "Mrs. Amanda Graves, I understand you had a close relationship with Anastasia, but I advise you not to grieve too deeply. That woman was known for playing both sides and having a dodgy moral compass. And, you know what? She even dragged poor Jaxon into this mess."

Before Lamia could finish her sentence, Amanda's emotions erupted. She forcefully slapped Lamia across the face.

Chapter 257 Dodgy Moral Compass 1

Chapter 257 Dodgy Moral Compass 2


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