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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Madeline felt her racing heart calm immediately and the heat leave, her blood cold in her veins.


To think that she had actually thought that he was jealous. What ludicrousness.

When it was merely just him being a possessive alpha male, asserting his dominance.

She was merely a prop in his play.

Madeline smiled mirthlessly, as she felt Jeremy approach from behind. “I shall leave my wife in your hands, Uncle Felipe. Thank you in advance for looking after her,” He thanked Felipe.

Felipe smiled gentlemanly. “Of course.”

While Madeline had not bought another scarf, she did buy a band-aid to cover up the red mark Jeremy left on her.

She sat down and began to work. Not long after, she began to receive angry texts from numerous unknown numbers. All of them scolding her about how shameless she was to seduce Jeremy.

It was almost too easy to guess who the culprit behind was when no one else but Meredith would send her such texts.

To warrant such a reaction from Meredith, Madeline knew that she must have also seen Jeremy holding her by the corner of the wall.

Ignoring the malicious texts, she continued to work.

After another while, servants of the Whitmans called her over for dinner.

Madeline had decided to visit Old Master Whitman anyway since he had not been doing so well as of late.

Clocking out, Madeline made a stop to buy the Old Master’s favorite muffins before taking the bus to the Whitman Manor.


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