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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 I'm the Master of My Marriage

"Mr. Shaffer! You are finally back. If you don't come back, we will have to go into the mountain to find you."

Seeing Bennett, Vincent breathed a sigh of relief.

Bennett ignored Vincent with a gloomy face and then directly went back to the tent without even saying a word to Catalina.

"Mrs. Shaffer, what's wrong with Mr. Shaffer? Did you make him angry again?"

Vincent looked back at Bennett's figure and asked Catalina carefully.


Catalina stifled her laughter and said, "He may be angry with himself!"

"Be angry with himself?"

Vincent scratched his head in confusion.

"I'm hungry, and I'm going to have a meal. Goodbye!"

Catalina trotted and went to the office.

Catalina was busy today and had walked along a long and rough road. Besides, she hadn't eaten anything yet. However, Catalina felt very lively. She wasn't tired, and she seemed to be in a better mood than ever.

Thinking of what had happened to Bennett during the day, Catalina couldn't help cracking up.

Catalina thought it was so funny!

However, Catalina would naturally not tell these things to others.

Catalina didn't want anyone else to know that Bennett could still be lovely.


The next day...

The visit work was finally over.

A group of people went back separately.

On the plane, Bennett, Darnell, and some people were in first class.

Catalina's company unified booking the tickets, so she was naturally in economy class.

Catalina and Emery sat side by side.

Catalina looked at the white clouds outside the window, and her heart also went blank.

In the closed mountain area, Catalina was still able to deceive herself and forced herself to forget Claire, but Catalina didn't know what to do after going back.

Catalina didn't know if she could really not care about Claire after going back.

No matter what the relationship between Bennett and Catalina was, Claire was Catalina's best friend. With this alone, Catalina couldn't convince herself to continue the loveless marriage with Bennett.

Catalina thought, "Even if he doesn't like me, I still feel I'm a thief, stealing someone else's beloved."


Catalina turned her head and shouted at Emery, who was burying herself in her scrapbook.

"What's up?"

Emery asked without raising her head.

"Can I go to your home for a few days?"


Emery blurted out in response.

After responding, Emery suddenly realized what she had said.

Emery raised her head and kept shaking her head. She said, "No, you can't. Why? Are you going to run away from home?"

"That's not my home."

Catalina corrected Emery.

"You are Mr. Shaffer's wife, and his home is naturally yours."

"We are divorced."

"You haven't signed the agreement yet, right?"

Emery knew the relationship between the two completely. She said, "I don't think Mr. Shaffer will sign the divorce agreement."


Catalina thought that Bennett would definitely sign it.

"First, according to you, Mr. Shaffer tried his best to marry you, so why do you think he will let you go now? He spent 200 thousand dollars, but what did he get? Even if he married you because of Claire, he won't be divorcing you now."

Emery analyzed it logically.

Even Catalina felt that Emery's words were reasonable.

Catalina frowned and asked, "What about the second reason?"

"The second reason is important."

Emery deliberately kept Catalina guessing and then got close to Catalina, whispering, "I think Mr. Shaffer came into Starham Mountain just for you."


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