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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Shameless Scumbag 

Chapter 158 Shameless Scumbag 


I have no idea about that. Maybe you need to ask him face to face!Remington put his phone in his pocket, his face beaming with confidence

Take me to see him now!” 

I’m hungry. Let’s eat first!” 

The man put his hands in his pockets and walked straight to the restaurant

HeyCecelia had no choice but to follow his footsteps and enter the restaurant

Soft and elegant music filled the restaurant, and a faint fragrance lingered in the air. Every decoration was like a delicate work of art, exuding a lowkey luxury

When the waiter saw Remington, he immediately greeted them respectfully, Mr. Nelson, the crystal private room you requested is ready. Please follow me, both of you

Following the waiter into the crystal private room, Remington personally pulled out the chair for Cecelia and invited her to sit down

Every gesture of the man was elegant and gentlemanly. It was as if the person who had behaved like a rogue before was not him at all. Cecelia sat down in her seat, and Remington sat opposite her

What would you like to eat?” 

The waiter brought the menu and asked

Let my wife choose.Remington gestured with his chin

The waiter handed the menu to Cecelia and said, Mrs. Nelson, please.Cecelia was puzzled and stared at him, You’re mistaken! I am not your wife. Mind your words!” 

After correcting him, she added to the waiter, Don’t call me Mrs. Nelson anymore. Don’t listen to him!” 

The waiter respectfully agreed, Alright, Mrs. Nelson. May I recommend something for you? Do you need any assistance?Cecelia didn’t know what to say

She suspected if Remington had intentionally arranged this

In fact, the waiter only followed Remington’s orders, and Cecelia’s commands didn’t hold much weight

Chapter 158 Shameless Scumbag 


When he saw Cecelia’s angry expression, Remington’s mood inexplicably improved. If you don’t have any specific preferences, I’ll take chargé and order for you.” 

Remington then decided on Tranquil Tastessignature dishes and handed the menu back to the waiter, saying, Please serve the dishes as soon as possible!” 

Alright, Mr. Nelson, please wait a moment.” 

The waiter left with the menu, and Remington raised his gaze to admire the woman in front of him. Cecelia rolled her eyes at him and then lowered her head to look at her phone. There was zero communication between them

The crystal decorations in the private room emitted a dazzling light. under the reflection of the light

Even though the brilliance of the crystals was splendid, it still couldn’t compare to the radiance exuded by the woman in front of him

One could say she was stunningly beautiful, and it was not an exaggeration. Remington propped his chin and quietly admired her. He had already had someone investigate. The Bluebell Mansion where she lived was under the name of someone called Nyx

He was a bit curious about who Nyx was

He knew there was a designer named Nyx internationally, but he didn’t know if they were the same person

Their eyes met when Cecelia lifted her head. She didn’t give him a friendly expression and turned her gaze to the entrance. Right now, she just wanted to finish this awkward lunch quickly

While they were waiting for their meal, a group of guests arrived outside the restaurant. Walking in the middle was Ophelia, surrounded by Sean and Kathrin. Several other members of the Linsey Group’s design department followed behind

Today’s fashion show was very successful, with Ophelia being the key contributor. Sean personally drove to the exhibition center to pick her up and gave her flowers

Flattery was poured out, and Ophelia reluctantly accepted Sean’s advances and reconciled with him. But if it weren’t for the 

embarrassing incident at the school celebration that had tarnished her reputation, how could she have made amends with Sean, who also had a notorious reputation? They were now pretending to be 

eumnatholic to each other but in coally they were hirde of a feather 

Chapter 158 Shameless Scumbag 


Ollie, your fashion show today was a huge success! I specifically reservéd a spot at Tranquil Tastes to celebrate for you!Sean’s fáce was filled with a pleasing smile

Kathrin also chimed in, Ollie, my brother put a lot of effort into celebrating for you! It took quite some time just to reserve the best crystal private room in this restaurant!” 

The colleagues behind them were also flattering

The crystal private room! It’s not easy for ordinary people to get a reservation here. I heard even without connections, you have to wait for months!” 

Ollie, I envy you so much! Mr. Gusto treats you so well!” 

The news about the Linsey Fashion Show will be broadcast soon. Ollie is bound to shine today!” 

Listening to everyone’s praise, Ophelia wore a fake smile on her face as they entered the restaurant together

Wow! Tranquil Tastes truly lives up to its reputation! It’s so upscale here!” 

We were able to come here all thanks to Ollie’s blessing!” 

The colleagues were all amazed by the restaurant’s ambiance, and Ophelia felt that Sean had really brought her a good time by reserving the restaurant today

Walking into this restaurant felt like entering a palace, as if she were an elegant and noble princess

However, everyone felt a little strange. It was mealtime, and usually, this place was crowded with people, but why was there not a singlé customer in the restaurant today

Could it be that Sean had booked the entire restaurant? Sean led Ophelia towards the crystal private room, but they were stopped by a waiter on the way. I’m sorry, do you have a reservation


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