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Masters And Lovers 1-4 novel Chapter 56

My groin tensions, a pulse rippling to my shaft and my blood pressure rocketing. James also twitches a smile, then backs off to lean against a wall with an expression of apparent disinterest….

Yeah…. Right….

“Good, stay there,” I say to the beauty at my feet. “I’ll just be a moment.”

Leaving her briefly, I choose a spreader bar from James’ collection. His eyes follow me, but he maintains his fake nonchalance.

And I stand over her once more….

How to play it?

She’s happy….

Be a Dom….

I school the smile off my face, holding out the spreader bar. “Wrists.” She offers up her hands.

“James, would you please.”

He moves across to strap the cuffs into place while I hold the bar in position. Once she’s restrained. I hold it in the centre and, to her sharp inhalation, lift her bodily to a standing position. As I haul her upright her nipples, already nicely proud, crinkle and tighten.

I point. “Over there.”

Her eyes follow my finger then rise to the chain which hangs from the ceiling….

…. as arranged by me….

…. and the mistletoe which dangles from it….

…. as added by James….

I steal a glance to her dark-eyed Dom, now straight-faced…. almost…. and once more standing back to watch.

Definitely hiding a smile…

Following her, I snap my fingers to Charlotte’s hands, weighed down by the bar. She raises her restrained wrists and then for the second time in a few hours, I open a spreader bar on a woman, forcing her arms apart.

I give her a moment to catch her breath, clipping a carabiner to the bar then, again being deliberately forceful, haul bar, Charlotte’s arms and Charlotte behind them, up, snapping the bar to the chain.

As she tensions into position, her perfume surges….


And my cock protests its freedom….

I eye-point up. “That mistletoe has a purpose, wouldn’t you say, Charlotte?”

I don’t give her time to react, instead dropping my mouth over hers, fixing her with my hand on the back of her head as I force her mouth open with mine. She’s sweet and spicy and winey with just an aftertaste of mint.

Then I pull back, leaving her sucking at her lips as I trace the outline of her face with a finger….

You’re lovely….

I’m going to make you scream soon….

A moment now, to take in her positioning….

Not quite right….

I’ve lifted her high enough to teeter on her feet. She’s not taking her weight on her wrists but neither does she have good control at ground-level, so I help her turn, guiding her around.

“Facing Michael and Beth if you please. I’d like your husband and my wife to have a good view while you get your Christmas fucking.”

James flashes questioning brows at me. Ready?

I flash back. Yes.

He produces a second spreader, kneeling to fit it to her ankles. His face more or less at the level of her loins, his nostrils flare. Her feet restrained, he stands back again, nodding me to her.

The bar is spreading her, but not by much.

How much restraint does she enjoy?

More than that….

There’s a sheen to her thighs….



As I shove her ankles apart, the bar ratcheting, then locking, the aroma of her sex blooms…

Definitely flowing….

Standing back, I gauge her, measuring her muscle tension by eye….


James gives the smallest of nods, drooping his lids.

And I give her ankles another push, this time being easier about the force I apply…

“Is that hurting you, Charlotte?”

“…. Um, no, sir. It’s just making me strain a bit. Er…. I’m a bit wobbly.”

“Good, that’s the effect I was looking for…. and now the same above I think….”

Reaching to spread her arms further, standing close to her, my clothed body brushes by her naked one. So close, her scent is intoxicating….

So, who wants to be fucked?

…. and she’s quivering, her whole body taut and trembling.

I back away again, breaking the physical contact between us, but still very close. Holding her gaze, once more I am struck by the weird similarity-difference between Charlotte and my Elizabeth. Physically, close to mirrors of each other, but otherwise, this cat-eyed wild-child is nothing like my sweet, submissive wife.

And there is something in her expression….

Is it just sex?

No, we’re friends….

You're glorious

And I'm going to fuck you ‘til you squeal.…

Her nipples are like little rocks, projected well proud of the breast. Taking one between thumb and forefinger, I roll it, squeezing a little. Her eyes roll, and she groans, exhaling through gritted teeth.

My cock is swelling rapidly, or trying to in the confinement of my clothes. As she moans, it pulses again, demanding release….

Not yet…

Echoing James’ action of a few minutes previously, I tilt her chin with a finger. “You know that I like you, don’t you Charlotte? That I’m very fond of you?”

“Yes, sir, I know that.”

“Good, because I’m about to treat you as though I weren’t…. Now….” I lock with her eyes. “…. what are your safety words?”

“Yellow and red, sir.”

“Good. Remember them.” I move to stand behind her.

“Aaahhhh….” It’s Michael, gasping. “Jeez, Beth, but you’re good at that….”

Elizabeth is still on her knees in front of him, Michael dressed but with his erection offered to her. His head is flung back, lips peeling from his teeth as in long slow movements, Elizabeth tongues him from balls to head, showing every sign of enjoying it.

And, as I well know, she is very good at what she’s doing. With Charlotte deliciously spread and waiting for me, I watch my wife wrap her lips around the shaft of another man who, I realise, I am coming to think of as her Lover.

Who would have believed it?

I snort a laugh, drawing a startled glance from Michael, but he relaxes again as I stroll back to James’ ‘toy’ racks.

James himself has resumed his station leaning against the wall, still wearing his assumed air of detachment. But his gaze wanders between the two naked lovelies, one kneeling, one closed to crucified. Surreptitiously, he adjusts himself at the groin. I pretend not to notice.

Charlotte watches me as I take first one item, then another: a flogger, a paddle…. then replace them. Making a showing of choosing, taking my time, I work through James’ collection.

In fact, I already know what I intend to use, as does he.

Did we script this between ourselves?

Of course we did.

“How much pain does Charlotte enjoy?”

“Quite a bit, but you’ll get more from her by playing her sense of anticipation….”

I select two crops of different styles: one long and supple, with a thin, elongated flexible tongue, the other a little shorter and stiffer, the tongue larger and wider. Used by a careful hand, the shorter one will produce some sting but plenty of noise. The longer crop is one only to be used with care and by a Master who knows what he is doing.

I have little doubt that James knows exactly what he is doing.

The two crops in hand, I stand in front of the quivering Charlotte again, ensuring she has a clear view of me.

I try the longer crop first, bringing it down on my own outstretched palm. I’ve already done this, tested it when I was here with James previously. I know how the crop feels, how it reacts under harder or softer strokes. But as I test it again now on my own hand, Charlotte’s quivering grows more violent.

I give myself a second stroke; this time hard enough for its flight through the air to swish and for the strike to make my palm hum with the burn.

Charlotte bucks in her restraints. Her eyes are like saucers. Her chest heaves.

I put the crop to one side, take the other. Again, I use it on my own hand. The leather tongue smacks onto my skin with a loud snap! and Charlotte starts.

Her colour is rising. Her pale skin is blushing rose over her chest and breasts. Sweat beads her forehead.

Barely touched you yet….

So responsive….

I trail the tongue over her face, outlining where that red flush is now spotting her cheeks. “You like that then, Charlotte? Hearing what’s happening…? And what’s going to happen….”

I bring the crop down on my hand again, harder this time and giving it the flick that ensures the crack! of the impact is loud.

She jolts….

My cock jolts with her….

…. and her aroma billows….

You’re streaming….

“We’ll choose this one then, shall we?”

James steps forward from his post by the wall. “She doesn’t have to choose.” Pinning her gaze with his, he takes the other crop, swishing it to one side then the other, making a humming arc through the air before standing to one side, but still where she can see him, legs akimbo, tapping the crop across his own palm.

She watches him, then me, as I unlink my cuffs….

You had that one right, James….

…. unbutton my shirt, take it off and remove my shoes. Stripped to the waist and barefoot, I take my chosen crop again and now caress her with it.

It’s the lightest of touches; a butterfly kiss to the skin. And she shivers under the touch, her gaze travels my body….

Checking me out?

And in turn, as I play her, I take the time to look at and appreciate the body of the delicious Charlotte. Although I have seen her naked before, the first time was in that appalling video of her auction: in the most unarousing situation imaginable, with this delightful girl close to tears as she sold herself to the highest bidder….


…. and looking was the last thing on my mind.

The last occasion was on my first visit to this room, when I found myself, very unexpectedly, invited to join the party I had arranged for my Elizabeth. The evening was enjoyable beyond all my expectations, but I had no opportunity to really look at Charlotte; to enjoy her body.

Or for that matter, for she to look at and enjoy mine.

She’s looking this time….

Playing with her, enjoying the shudder the runs through her under the kiss of my crop, the gleaming trickle I can see making its way down inside her thigh, I notice other detail I’d not marked before.

Charlotte is firmly muscled, much more so than my Elizabeth. Where her arms are drawn taut, her muscles are corded, almost like those of a man. Her belly, pulled tight by her tensioned position, is much flatter than the usual curve on a woman. Her abs are quite visible.

And whereas my wife is waxed smooth, Charlotte is copper-red at her loins, matching her long, loose hair.

Of the two, my Elizabeth is more feminine, or I find her so. But beyond doubt, Charlotte is all female….

And those eyes….

Elizabeth’s eyes are green, but the shade is soft, like a leaf in springtime. Charlotte's eyes are wild. They consume.

No wonder James was willing to take a bullet for you….

Didn't even hesitate….

Time for more action….

I move to stand behind her. With a rear view now, I see Charlotte watching her dark Master then turn her attention to where, at a slight angle from us, Elizabeth is still kneeling for Michael, giving him head to his appreciative groans. He in his turn, is alternating between looking down at the beauty at his feet with his cock in her mouth and twisting to see what James and I are doing with his wife.

Charlotte can’t see properly….

She can’t move of course, but she’s trying to see the pair.

Fisting my hand into her hair, I tug her head back, speaking close to her face. “You want a better view, Charlotte?”

She can’t nod, pinned by her own hair, but she tries.

James takes a single step forwards, slashing his crop across her nipples with a precision that would take a fly off the wall….

Yes, you’ve practised that….

Charlotte inhales with a hiss then exhales with a gasp as James speaks in tones of molten chocolate. “Charlotte, remember your manners. Answer Richard’s question. He is your Master for the evening. You will treat him as such.”

Before she has a chance to respond, the crop razors across her nipples again.

Charlotte gurgles. “Yes, sir. I would like a better view.”

“Michael,” I say. “Why don’t you turn a little. Let Charlotte and the rest of us, see more of how Beth is serving you.”

He’s looking almost spaced out; his face flushed and sweating, his eyes dark as he surveys his splayed and presented wife. After a moment, he bends to hook his arms under Elizabeth, shifting her position until the pair are square on to Charlotte’s view.

Silhouetted against the candlelight, they settle again, Michael pushing his cock-head to her waiting and parted lips.

My balls shift and tighten…



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