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Mistaken Match Marrying the Enigmatic CEO novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Emmanuel hurried over to help Mackenzie up, but his

hand stopped in the air abruptly when he sensed an

intimidating aura around her.

He hesitated, wondering if he should touch her.

Looking at the motionless woman with beads of sweat

trickling down her forehead, he eventually mustered

his courage and picked her up.

To his surprise, she felt much lighter than he expected

for a five-and-a-half-foot-tall person.

In fact, he reckoned she weighed only around a

Chapter & Go Home With Me

hundred and ten pounds.

“D-Don’t touch me!”

Mackenzie still managed to shoot him a steely glare

despite the gripping pain she felt.

It was nothing compared to how much she detested

the touch of a man, let alone being carried by one.

Goosebumps broke out across her body the moment

Emmanuel touched her.

The man evaded her hostile eyes and gently put her

down on the couch, saying, “Just look at you. You don’t

eat regularly. That’s why you’re having stomach flu


Wait. How does he even know that? We’ve only known

each other for a day!

Mackenzie was taken aback by how much Emmanuel

knew about her, but before she could respond,

Emmanuel had lifted her nightgown.

“W-What do you think you’re doing? I’ll kill you!”

Mackenzie exploded in a burst of energy, twisting

Emmanuel’s arm.

There was no way she would let a man like him take

advantage of her, especially when she was a daughter

of the Quillen family and had been practicing martial

arts her whole life.

Despite how painful the grip was, Emmanuel did not

fight back. “I’m just trying to help ease your pain,” he

explained, gritting his teeth.

Looks can be deceiving, man. She’s not ladylike at all,

despite how gorgeous she is!

“A-Aren’t you a gynecologist? Do you know internal

medicine too?”

Mackenzie had doubts, but there was no time for that.

Another sharp spasm of pain struck, forcing her to let

go of Emmanuel and hold her stomach.

“I can well call 911 if you don’t trust me, but you’ll have

to endure the pain until you reach the hospital.”

Candy Crush Saga

Hearing this, Mackenzie took her phone to make a call,

for there was no way she would swallow her ego and

let Emmanuel have his way, but when the latter saw

her curl into a ball because of the pain, he swept her

phone aside and squatted down in front of her.


Then, Mackenzie felt a big, warm palm lifting her gown

right after, but she did not stop him.

With Me

Besides, she figured she should trust Emmanuel once,

since she could break him into pieces later if she found

out he was purely taking advantage of her.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel felt his heart start pounding

vigorously when he saw Mackenzie’s pair of fair and

flawless legs.

In fact, he gulped without even knowing when he lifted

her skirt.

As a gynecologist, he had never felt a sense of

irresistible attraction toward any woman except for

Mackenzie, but he quickly collected his thoughts and

rubbed his hands before warming her stomach with


the heat from his palms.


Mackenzie finally felt more comfortable when a rush of

warmth went through her stomach, dispelling the pain

from earlier.

Then, Emmanuel repeated the gesture a few times and

ma*saged her lower abdomen.

Oh, her abs are tight and toned. She must be

disciplined enough to work out regularly.

“W-What is this you’re doing?” Mackenzie asked, biting

her lower lip.

She had always abhorred men’s touch, but this time, it

felt different when Emmanuel touched her.

Although the sense of distaste was still there,

Mackenzie felt good and embarra*sed simultaneously.

The feeling perplexed her.

“I’m applying pressure on your acupoints,” Emmanuel

answered, looking down to avoid eye contact. As his

gaze lowered, he could not help but steal a glance at

Mackenzie’s legs.

She’s truly a work of art!

Little did he know, Mackenzie was watching his every


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